Chapter 2

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I knew I'd never be able to go to MineCon when I started watching YouTube channels. I live half way round the world for goodness sake! Besides, when I mentioned it to Gen and Abi they said only the nerds go to MineCon, which I didn't know whether to take as a compliment or not. They may be saying you're not a nerd so you can't go or only a nerd would ever think about it. Probably the second one.

To meet a YouTuber here without having to go anywhere was just unbelievable! School! The odds were tiny! I almost completely fangirled out in Latin just thinking about it.

Now there are two types of fangirl. The out kind and the in kind. Your type depends a lot on the people around you. If they're part of your fandom, then you'll evolve to be an out fangirl and not be afraid to fangirl in public. If your stuck with just you, then you'll keep your fangirling inside, especially if you get nervous around new people. That's me. Nervous around new people, but I try not to show it and act cool instead, but my version of cool isn't usually very successful.

I go to the form room, knowing he'll go there first. There'll be others waiting for him boy. It's an opportunity.

I sit in the corner I reserved this morning and pull out my headphones. Waiting time.

~Time Skip 'cos I'm bored...~

He arrives on his own and at once the girls sitting on the desks pounced. I watched him shrug them off. I was surprised that no guys were here for the meet and greet. Then I remembered: Rugby Club's on. Good thing too.

The girls, realising they weren't getting anywhere, retreated and left him be. He was probably used to it with all his fangirls.

Then, to my surprise, he came over to me, "Mind if I sit here?"

I nod slowly in shock. I try not to show it though. I quickly hide the screen of my iPad.

"What're you watching...?" he asks.

I blush bright red at this. I haven't been able to make a sound this whole time.

He sighed, "I should've known..." he says, shaking his head.

I blush, if it were possible, even more. He cracks a smile, "but you seem okay though, biggums?"

It's like the ultimate question. Biggums or no biggums? Of course, I want to say biggums, but I'm afraid what everyone would say to me. What if they turned on me completely? I decided it was worth the risk, I mean, he could turn into a special friend, one I could always rely on like I used to before she turned away and left me behind.

"Biggums." I smile, confirming the friendship. I hope it's the right decision.

~Just a line break this time! :D~

I'm glad Mitch was my friend instead of the usual. It was, as I said before, probably the fact that they seemed like over reactive fangirls.

"And you're sure that no one in this class knows who I am except this Alba?" He asked me when I showed him to lunch.

"I'm not certain, but pretty sure. The only ones who like watching gaming videos hate watching Minecraft."

"So where's Alba?"

"Band practice."

He nodded. "So where're you from?"

"Just down the road actually..."

"That's right near me!"

I smile, "That's a coincidence."

"You wanna come round tonight?"

"Sure I suppose. I'll tell my mum."

"I live home alone at the moment, but my biggums is gonna start at this school soon! He got a bit delayed 'cos his plane flight was cancelled."


"Jerome! Who else?"


Ow! Stop yelling at me! I'm sorry! I had to have some controversial thinking added in! And I'm sorry if Oli is a bit...uh... Anyway.

I'm also really sorry it's so short! No way long as they first chapter... D:

Hope you liked it all the same! Hope you have a day thats cooler than bananas!

Peace out!

Changing ~ A BajanCanadian FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now