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jisung listening to a radio station on his phone, he walked to school. sad, slowly and nervous. it was friday, usually it would be a happy day but it wasn't for the whole group. after the incident that occurred on saturday. the whole next week of school, minho never showed up. jeongin was worrying, everyone was worrying.

jisung two felt sick in his stomach. minho was gone because of him, because of his words. everything was his fault.

as the instrumental of his music faded a news reporter had popped up onto his station.

last night a teenage boy had committed suicide. his name has not yet been—


he wasn't in the mood for more depressing stories, it wasn't the right time.

skipping to lunch, usually the whole group (excluding chan) would sit with each other. it was quite, too quite for any of their likings.

"you think he's alright.." seungmin quietly asked, picking at his food.

nobody answered, until woojin let out a loud sigh. "being honest, I don't know. that boy..is capable of many things."

"what are you implying woojin?" changbin then looked over to the boy, "minho should be strong. h—he's strong right?"

jisung gulped by their conversation, he didn't want to partake in any of it. because he felt one of them would attack him without any hesitation.

"I—I think minho hyung is s—strong!!" jeongin told with a bright yet fake smile. "g—guys, he's gonna be okay.."

changbin then looked over to jisung, "what about you. you're pretty much apart of it, have anything to say." he then gave a glare to the younger.

shit. is all jisung thought, "h—honestly..I don't know what to say...I don't love him..I can't force myself to.."

jeongin clenched his fist, biting his lip to keep his mouth shut. hyunjin who sat next to the boy, rubbed his back to calm himself down. "it's not worth it jeongin, you'll regret it.."
hyunjin whispered.

"minho is obviously hurt. have you tried to contact him at least?" felix jumped in, trying to lessen the tension before his boyfriend would say something stupid.

jisung nodded, "I actually have..he just hasn't responded."

"it's friday. tomorrow will be a weak since he's been shut, someone should at least visit him."

seungmin nodded, "that's a good idea. but I feel like..jisung should be the one. if all of us go, it'll be too much for him to handle."

"I agree, jisung are you willing to stop by at minho's after school?" woojin asked.

jisung who had no intentions on seeing the boy in the beginning. he felt so much guilt to where it brought him down, physically and emotionally. but he couldn't say no, because his crush was giving him death glares from across the table.

"y—yeah..I just need his address.."

"of course."


waiting at the doorstep of minho's home. he ringed the doorbell a couple times. swaying back and forth, he was nervous. what if his parents knew who he was? what if they kicked him out? even if they did, he knew he deserved it.

looking at the home's window, the lights were all out. he resorted to knocking, but still. no answer.

instead of leaving, he sat on their doorstep in case someone came to the door. scrolling through instagram, ten minutes passed and he looked back at the door. getting up to knock again, he groaned from getting impatient.

"if he doesn't want to talk to me..he should've just said so.."

then he started to get multiple messages from everyone. the vibrations kept annoying him, when he glanced at his bright screen. his eyes widened. 

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