Chapter thirty-nine:

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Brandon_arreaga: gotta make it right Likes: 19

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Brandon_arreaga: gotta make it right
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Chat w/ Rhea and Brandon

Rhea.evangeline: hey...

Brandon_arreaga: hey,
what's up?

Rhea.evangeline: the sky

Brandon_arreaga: 😑

Rhea.evangeline: Hehehehehehe

Rhea.evangeline: anyways,
where you headed?

Brandon_arreaga: somewhere

Rhea.evangeline: tell

Brandon_arreaga: I'm going
to Bora Bora to see you...

Rhea.evangeline: oh

Brandon_arreaga: please
don't be mad. I HAVE to see you
and explain

Rhea.evangeline: I told
you that I need to be alone
and I didn't want your

Brandon_arreaga: well,
I'm already ON MY

Rhea.evangeline: oh gosh...

Brandon_arreaga: why
are you so against hearing
my explanation?

Rhea.evangeline: idk,
I guess I just trust you
enough not to stay mad
over something so silly.

Brandon_arreaga: What?
You're not mad?

Rhea.evangeline: or maybe
I am mad, but I don't want
to be

Rhea.evangeline: should
I be worried about her?

Brandon_arreaga: Hell no,
definitely not.

Brandon_arreaga: I swear
that nothing happened Rhea,
she showed up at our house and
she wouldn't leave, I tried to kick
her out, the boys were there too.
She posted that picture off of
my phone, that's why I deleted
it. If I wanted to be with her, I
wouldn't be trying to make it
right right now. I would've left
that post up, and told you that I
didn't wanna be with you.

Rhea.evangeline: I believe

sorry that I haven't updated in so long, and that this chapter probably sucks. I had a different way things were gonna go that was probably way better and more interesting, but I think I'm going to end this book soon, so I kinda moved things along with Rhea and Brandon pretty quickly. Thanks for reading my story, hope you enjoy it 💛💛

Brandon Arreaga (instagram)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ