6. Finding Happiness

Start from the beginning

"You all lied to me!" He yelled out again and pointed an accusing finger at Anne.

"Louis, pl-please, calm down." Anne's voice was breaking as tears started filling her eyes, blurring her vision.

"You did this to me and now you tell me to calm down?!" Louis asked with a hit of humor in his voice. "I knew that there was something up about this. I knew that but I was too blind in love to see that. How could you do this to me? How could he do this to me?" Louis bawled his eyes out before directly looking at Anne's eyes.

"Where's Harry now, huh?" He asked through gritted teeth making Anne scared that the smaller boy would lash himself out at Anne anytime.

"Th-this is Harry, Louis. This i-is H-Harry." Anne was close to sobbing. "If you calmed down we can talk about what's going on. So, please calm down, please." Anne begged.

"I'm the unluckiest person in the whole wide world. Is there anyone else who spent their honeymoon like this? Is there Anne? I had millions of dreams!" Louis sobbed into his palms.

"I-I'm sorry, Louis. I-I'm really sorry." Anne sat down on the floor next to Louis.

"I do not forgive you! I will never ever forgive you. Never, ever!" Louis spat out. Anne let out a tiny gasp and finally let herself to go into hysterics.

The only things that filled the thick air around them were the cries of two of them and angered growls coming from Harry. It was like that for good ten minutes.

Louis cried for his broken heart. He cried for his crushed dreams. He cried for his shattered trust on his husband. Everything he ever dreamt about a family with Harry will not come to him now. Never, ever. The trust he had on his husband is shattered into pieces like it was made of world's most fragile glass.

Where's the person that promised a life with him? Where's the person who said that he loves him under the light of million stars? Where's that love he felt for his husband? Louis felt like his life was hopeless at that point.

Meanwhile, Anne cried for every moment that her life got messed up since he got married to the rude businessman, Desmond Styles. She cried for every moment Desmond said that Harry is autistic because of her fault. She cried for every time Desmond called his own son a mistake. She cried for every time Harry cried just to simply go out of his room. She cried for every time she dealt alone with Harry's meltdowns. She cried for every day that she was here with Desmond. She never was happy. She probably never will be.

Anne finally broke the silence with her voice.

"He was diagnosed with autism when he was just 14 months old. He has always been like this all his life. Autism is not a sickness to go away with the time. It's a disorder which affects everything in his life until he dies." Anne let out a deep sigh before continuing.

"I always dealt with this all alone as everyone else, even my own husband said that it was my fault that Harry is autistic. He has been called a mistake by his own dad many times even though Harry didn't know what his dad was talking about." Anne wiped a tear from her cheek and let out a shuddered sigh.

Louis was staring at Anne, still crying. Here he thought he's the unluckiest person in the world but there is someone who's unluckier than him.

"No one knew about him except a handful of people. He was hidden inside of his room all twenty two years of his life." Anne looked at Harry who was just whimpering by then. "He's still a kid at heart, Louis."

Anne finally looked at Louis and found him already staring at her with tear filled eyes.

"W-why? Why did you make me marry him?" Louis asked.

"It never was my idea Louis. I'm basically a puppet in this house. Desmond has a belief that everyone should marry, including Harry. He's kinda in denial of believing that Harry is autistic. He refuses to believe that Harry can't live a family life." Anne let out a deep sigh and silence dominated the thick air between them but Harry's low hums were still there.

"Who was he?" Louis asked searching for answers and Anne definitely knew who Louis is talking about.

"I can't tell you that, Louis. Des will not hesitate to skin me alive if these dark secrets of him are out. I already told you too much." Anne sent the smaller boy a sympathetic smile and Louis nodded understanding where she's coming from.

"Are you going to leave my baby, Louis?" Anne looked straight into Louis' eyes. Louis let out a sigh before speaking.

"I cannot leave now, Anne. I'm basically stuck here with him." Louis admitted.

"I know what he did with that contract. You can call it off and get divorce if you want before it's too late. Everything is okay. I can deal with everything like I used to do for years." Anne wrapped an arm around Louis' middle.

"My dad needs the money, Anne. I want him to be happy for once in his life." Louis whispered and placed his head on Anne's shoulder.

"But your happiness?" Anne whispered back.

Louis looked Harry, who was not just clenching and unclenching his glove covered palms as he hummed lowly, before answering Anne's question.

"I'll find it here." 


(Word Count 1532)

A/N - Thoughts?


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