Chapter Thirty Nine - "It Was Planned."

Start from the beginning

            “Let’s finish packing and then we’ll go back to LA.” I said. “This has been the best honeymoon ever, even if it was only for three days and I mean that. I have never had more fun with you than I have these past couple of days.”

            Nodding his head in agreement, I wiped away the tears that were underneath his eyes and went over to the other side of the room where my suitcase was previously thrown before placing the numerous amounts of clothing that Justin had bought me back into it.


             Jeremy wasn’t kidding when he told Justin there was nothing left. As we stood on the sidewalk in front of where the house used to be, you couldn’t see a single thing. The only thing you were able to see was pile of debris from everything that had burned. It was the most gut-wrenching feeling I’ve ever had to experience. All of our memories here just vanished like the speed of light. It was like I never got to say goodbye to it as stupid as that sounded.

             The police were still at the scene when we got there, making Justin even more pissed off. He didn’t exactly have a good relationship with them but hopefully he wouldn’t be a complete ass to them and make them not want to help us.

            “Good evening Mr. Bieber.” The policeman stuck out their hands to Justin and I, which we gladly returned, and looked back at the house.

            “We’re waiting to get the video tape from the security company so we can see exactly who did this but it was completely unexpected sir, nobody saw it coming.”
            “There was nothing that you could have done.” He responded. “I’m used to it by now.”

            Shocked at how good he was being with the police, I entwined my fingers with his and gave the policemen a shy smile. I wanted to see exactly who did this so I could get an explanation from them and try to talk some sense into them. They were the stupidest people in my opinion, not to mention the rudest.

            I ducked underneath the yellow caution tape and carefully walked around the debris to see if there was anything that we could possibly salvage but to my surprise, literally everything was burned to crisps. All I could see was broken glass and pictures that once used to be colorful and recognizable, burned to pieces. All I could think about was how much I wish we could have this house back. I know I said I didn’t like it here, but I honestly did love this house.

            “Pretty shitty, huh?” Justin walked up next to me and the only thing that I felt like doing was hugging him. The thing I’m most thankful about was that neither of us were here when this happened and that we were both safe and alive.

            “Yeah.” I muttered into the fabric of his shirt. “It’s so sad Justin.”

            Holding me in his arms for a couple more minutes, he kissed the top of my head and held me at arms length.

            “On another note, you liked the idea of moving to Canada right?”

            A huge smile came across my face once the words left his mouth, making me feel like I was completely on cloud nine. Was he being serious right now?

            “Of course. Where will we live though?”

            “We can build our own house.” He replied. “We can create it exactly the way we want it. It’ll be perfect for us and for Isabelle I promise.” He placed his hands over my stomach and rubbed in gentle circles as he looked around at the mess in front of us. It was more devastating than anything. Just the fact that our clothes and all of our personal items were in there was the worst part. Thankfully I had brought my locket with me.

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