Chapter Twenty Three- "A Beautiful Person."

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Chapter Twenty Three

"A Beautiful Person."

Sophia’s Point Of View-

             Barbara’s office hadn’t changed a bit and neither did her cocky attitude. It was Monday morning and here Justin and I sat waiting for her to speak. She always did this thing where she would write for like I swear twenty minutes before we did anything. It was a complete waste of our time.

             Finally clicking her pen back after what seemed like years, she pushed her glasses up like she usually did and sent us a small smile.

            “So how are the both of you today?”
            In all honesty? Shitty. I woke up again today with morning sickness again and I was starting to think that it would never go away, ever. I know the doctor said that it would go away after three months but I honestly can’t wait that long.

            “Fine.” We both replied.

            “And the exercise? How is that going?”
            “Great.” I said with a wide smile.

            I was telling the complete truth. I think this whole sharing our feelings thing has actually helped. I looked forward to hearing what he liked about me that day and I also liked to know what I could work on the next day. It gave me something to work for when I wasn’t doing my online courses.

            “Yeah.” Justin agreed. “I think we both agree that we’re in the best place we’ve ever been in awhile.”

            I nodded my head along with him and watched her scribble more down onto her notebook. I kind of wanted to look over her shoulder to see what she was writing. I mean, what could you possibly be writing? Sometimes I think they’re just drawing little cartoon characters or something.

            “Good to hear.” She replied. “So our discussion today is going to be about sex. I would like to know if your intimacy needs are being met for the both of you. I believe intimacy is very important in maintaining a healthy relationship.”

            Justin and I both tried not to laugh at her words. I completely agree with what she said, it’s just that I think that’s the last place Justin and I needed to work on.

            “What’s funny?” She questioned.
            “U-um nothing.” I stuttered. “It’s just that I think we’re well maintained in that department. I mean, that’s what I think anyways.”

            “She’s right.” Justin chuckled. “I don’t have any complaints there whatsoever.”

            “How frequently are you intimate on a weekly basis?” She asked.

            Justin scratched the back of his head and tried to think of an answer. I don’t understand why we had to get into this much detail about our life but hey, she was the counselor so I wasn’t exactly going to question her.

            “Like twice a day, sometimes more.” He said.

            Clearing her throat from his answer, she wrote something down again and I wouldn’t doubt if she wrote horny fuckers because that’s exactly what we were. I nodded my head in agreement and bit my bottom lip out of embarrassment. It was kind of awkward to admit it now that we were actually sitting here.

            “Alright so I see we can skip this section.” She said, her face turning a bright red. “I think for now we’re going to focus on the trust issue. I honestly think that’s your only difficulty in this relationship.”
            It was a relief to know we weren’t completely screwed up and that there was a way to fix this. I mean, was it necessarily the easiest thing? Not by any means. But I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make things work with him.

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