Chapter Thirty Six- "Nothing In This World."

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Chapter Thirty Six

"Nothing In This World."

            Letting the warm air hit across my face, the boat we had gotten into was whipping against the waves, making me smile from ear to ear. I was still in my wedding dress from traveling all night and Justin was still in his tux but I guess it didn’t really matter since we were the only two people around. The water we were currently on was crystal blue, making it so you could see every fish and every spec of sand that was floating in it. I’ve never been anywhere like this but it was so beautiful.

            “We’re in Fiji.” He said proudly. “Are you liking it so far?”
            I glanced over my shoulder and saw nobody around for miles. Liking it would be an understatement; I just had no idea where our destination was.

            “I love it. What hotel are we staying at?”
            A loud laugh escaped his mouth and the Hispanic man that was driving the boat started to laugh as well. I don’t see what was so funny. Were we staying on the water or something?

            “Do you see that island over there?” His finger pointed to a large mass of green to the right side of me and I nodded my head to let him know that I saw it. “It’s ours for the next two weeks.”

            My mouth dropped open in shock when I saw how big this island was. As we were nearing closer, I shook my head in disbelief and rested my head on his shoulder. I didn’t even want to know how much this must have cost him in all honesty.

            “Well it’s beautiful.” I noted. “Thank you baby.”

            His hands pulled me onto his lap before he slid them over my stomach and rubbed countless circles over the lace of my dress.

            “No distractions.” He said and kissed my shoulder. “Just you and I.”

            The boat stopped once we reached the dock and the man took the ropes out to tie it up. Letting my eyes scan over the island, everything looked so beautiful. The sand was pure white, leading into the crystal clear blue water of the South Pacific. Not to mention the huge beach house we would be staying in. It was beyond beautiful and I couldn’t wait to spend the next two weeks here.

            Justin stepped onto the dock and grabbed my hand so he could help me out. I was going to explore the island a little until he grabbed my wrist and swept me into his arms. The man gave us a little smile from watching us and with not as much as another word; he hopped back into the boat so he could go back to the mainland.

            “I didn’t pack any clothes.” I muttered.

            “I bought new ones for you. But you aren’t going to need any.”

            Carrying me inside the house, I let my eyes wander around and was in awe of its beauty. The walls were painted a bright blue, making the feel of the island that much more realistic, and the furniture was Hawaiian print flowers with antique like accents. The kitchen had everything you could possibly need, the stainless steel appliances glimmering in the light and the hardwood floors looking as if nobody had ever walked on them before. It was everything I dreamed of and more.

            The bedroom he carried me into was huge. When I say huge, I mean astounding. We had our own private living room upstairs that led out to a balcony that overlooked the South Pacific. It was beyond what I could have expected and I think Justin was thinking the same thing.

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