Virgil was ripped from his thoughts as the sound of the doorbell rang through the house. He flinched at the sudden noise, carefully setting his mug down on the coffee table before padding over to the front door. Getting up on his tiptoes, he peered through the peephole. Upon seeing someone who looked only a few years older than him, with a extremely worried face, Virgil glanced at the doorknob. He took a deep breath, then unlocked the door and slowly opened it up.

The person was easily about a head taller than Virgil, which forced him to look down to even see his face clearly. "Are you Virgil Sanders?"

"How do you know my name?" Virgil asked, trying to hold his nervous stutter back.

"From your well as my dad." The person held his hand out. "I'm Remington Stone, Logan Stone's son."

Virgil's eyes widened as he gaped up at him. "Y-You're Remy?" He had only heard of Logan's son, and had never seen him nor even a picture.

Remy nodded, his hair falling in his eyes a bit. "I was wondering...have you seen my dad? I've looked everywhere, and I can't find him. He won't answer his phone, and even his work doesn't know where he went. Apparently, he's been absent for two days now without any notice. I'm really worried..."

"I haven't seen him...We just got back from the hospital with my dad..."

"Oh, that's right. Your dad was in that wreck. I was driving by when it happened..."

Virgil winced at these words, looking down and nodding slightly. "Yeah...that's what Logan told us..."

Remy chewed his lip. He'd been trying hard to not say the wrong thing. "I'm...really sorry...Is he feeling better?"

The anxious teen shrugged. "His leg's broken, and he's definitely going to have some scars..." He trailed off, sighing.

Remy's mouth was open slightly, forming a small, surprised 'O'.

Virgil looked back up at him, shrugging slightly. "Anyway, about your dad...He was at the hospital a few days ago. I haven't seen him since, sorry." Though Virgil spoke calmly, he was extremely worried, knowing that Logan would never just disappear without telling anyone. At least, not intentionally...

"Remy, does your dad have any...enemies?"

The other boy raised an eyebrow. "I don't think so...Well, him and my other dad aren't exactly best buddies, let alone lovers, anymore..."

Virgil chewed his lip. "Is it possible that your other dad did something to Logan? Like, kidnapped him?"

"What? No!" Remy said, taking a step back in shock. "De would never do anything like that!! He's a good person!!"

Virgil put his hands up in front of him, almost like a surrender. "Okay, okay. It was just a suggestion. Geez."

Remy sighed, running his fingers through his already messy hair. "I'm sorry. Just...if you see my dad, give me a call..." He offered a neon pink sticky note to the teen who hesitantly took it, nodding and glancing down at the numbers on he note for a moment.

With that, Remy waved slightly, then walked away from Virgil and the front door, heading to his car.

The anxious teen slowly closed the door behind him, crumbling the sticky note a bit in his hand. With a heavy sigh, he returned to his spot on the couch, curling up and attempting to block out his bad thoughts once more.


"P-Please no..."

"C'mon Lo-Lo...I know you return my feelings..."

"No, I don't! De, stop, please!"

With a low, husky laugh that sounded more like a growl, De didn't pay his protests no mind. 


As I said, this chapter was going to be a bit darker than the one before.

On the brighter side of things, I now have matching hair with Thomas Sanders (I literally got mine dyed the day Thomas posted the picture of his new hair recently on Instagram)

On the brighter side of things, I now have matching hair with Thomas Sanders (I literally got mine dyed the day Thomas posted the picture of his new hair recently on Instagram)

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Well would you look at that! And yes, the color was inspired by Thomas.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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