Ch. 2 The Dinner

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"Good evening everyone. I'm so glad to have you all here in our restaurant. We hope to be able to serve you guys in any way, shape, or form." Don smiled at our guests.

"I'd like to introduce my assistant of The Good Corner, Miss Woo Eun Jae ."
I bowed and smiled at everyone.
My eyes trailed on each person, but landed on a pair of grey ones.

I quickly looked away and went to shake Alex's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." I smiled.
He winked. "Pleasure is all mine. Please, let me introduce some of my assistants. This is Carlos, Ivy, Caleb, and B." My hand shook each of theirs.

"And I'd also like to take this time to introduce the stars. Jung Ho Seok, Kim Seok Jin, and Kim Tae Hyun." I bowed and shook their hands.
"I'm pleased to meet you."
They bowed shyly and quickly.
"Unfortunately, one of the boys was sick and could not make it tonight. But he sends his gratitude to you all for letting us use your restaurant." Don waved him off

"No worries. Jae, why don't you lead our guests to their table?" Don asked.
I smiled. "Of course. This way please."

My heals clicked against the floor as we made our way to the table. Each person had a card with their name by their plate.
"Please find your name and have a seat. The waiter will come by with the drink menu." I bowed.

Before I turned, I saw the boy with light brown hair and eyes nudge the one next to him, and whisper something into his ear. They both smiled at each other, then at me, and looked down.
The other guests noticed me still standing there, so I quickly smiled and bowed again before walking to the bar.

"Go get their orders, Lula."
She nodded and walked to the table with menus in her hand.

I took the time to scan the room and met eyes with some of my co-workers. They gave me a thumbs up and I smiled back.

A few minutes later, I heard laughter from the guest table. The boy with red hair was laughing and talking to Lula while she pushed her hair behind her ear.

I smiled softly. When she saw me, she quickly turned and bowed. She rushed towards me and gave me her note pad.

"Oh my god Jae, I dropped my notepad on this one guy, it was so embarrassing."
I giggled while I took out glass cups and poured the drinks. Lula began to help me too.

"I saw them. Don't be nervous, Lula. Don told me him and Alex are really close."

I saw that she had turned very red.
"I saw those googly eyes, too." I teased her.
She gasped. "I was not!" I laughed at her reaction.

"Help me carry these to their table, girl." We both carried trays with drinks to the entrance.

As we handed them out, I could feel someone's gaze, but focused on not dropping the glasses. As soon as we finished, I put the tray on my stomach and bowed.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" I looked around and caught my eyes with the brown hair boy again. He licked his lips and shifted his gaze to the boy next to him.

When I saw that everyone was well, I smiled. "Your plates should be out in a couple of minutes. Thank you."

Lula and I walked back to the bar and leaned on the back side of the counter.

"That guy was totally checking you out babe."
I scoffed. "Please Lula. Don't over analyze things." I patted her shoulder.

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