Iceland knew what these rings were but hated them. When a nation ceased to exist in body, a ring appeared in boxes such as these. The boxes only appeared in these situations, with the ring inside. For each nation there was a specific box unique to them, containing a ring that was even more unique. Perhaps the most difficult component to the existence of the rings was that they would appear in seemingly random places. If a nation died, their ring could remain buried under countless piles of rocks for all eternity, never to be found, or it could be as simple as turning your head to the right and seeing it next to you. It all depended on the circumstances and causes of the death of a Personification's human form. Yet even then, it was impossible to predict where the box would appear, or when. And should it happen that the box never be found, then the ring will lose meaning. The ring needs a host to survive, and without a host it cannot live. Therefore, as soon as Iceland had accepted the offer to take over the role of protecting Denmark, guards and soldiers had been released to scour the land for the box. They looked and looked, yet Iceland knew exactly where the box would be.

It had taken only a handful of hours of searching the coastline for him to find the box securely tucked underneath a rock in the sand. Say what you would about Denmark, but his true love had always been the sea. It was a common trait that he shared with Norway and Iceland, something that they had always enjoyed together. It was only natural that his soul would appear in such a location.

When others inquired how he had known where to look, he didn't lie. But there was another aspect to the search that he would never tell anyone, no matter what. He had heard Denmark's voice, out there, singing the old songs that he had sung when Iceland had still been young and everyone had rejoiced for their successes. Back then the songs had been plenty and the stories were riddled with daring and true bravery. The heroes had fought dragons, the tricksters bested their enemies, and monsters had been alive. It wasn't often that he let himself think of those days, but at that time he'd had no choice.

When he had come close enough, he had seen Denmark standing on the shore, looking out to the ocean. No matter how many times he blinked, Denmark remained standing, his eyes fixed on the horizon, the wind tousling his hair, his lips barely moving as he softly sang. When Iceland came closer, Denmark's head turned to look at Iceland and as a smile appeared on his face a gust of wind seemed to blow him away, and within a matter of seconds nothing of Denmark remained. Upon reaching the spot he had seen Denmark standing, he spotted the rock that concealed the box. And if someone asked him about the sighting, he would deny it until his dying breath.

Now he stood with that box he'd found in front of him, open and exposed. The King took the ring from the box and held it out to Iceland like he was some bride. You know, if this really was a wedding, I would hope that I could at the very least wear more comfortable clothing, Iceland thought as he observed the ring that continued to glow. The glow was a warm, welcoming, honey yellow that reminded Iceland of fireplaces and old-fashioned feasts. It emanated from the metal in a fluctuating way that was reminiscent of the waves of light on the walls. It was eerie. It was like seeing a soul.

"Do you, the Republic of Iceland, accept the role of Protector of Denmark?" The King asked, his voice booming in the small room. The words bounced off the walls over and over, becoming ever softer and more unintelligible.

Iceland extended his hand, accepting the ring on his finger. "I will protect the soul of Denmark at all costs, until he is strong enough to live once more."

And with those words, the ring's glow faded until the metal glinted on his finger with as much irregularity as a wedding band. His violet eyes watched as the band then proceeded to fade into his skin, sinking in like a child tucking under the covers at night.

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