Chapter 1

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                         Sasha's POV


My alarm has been ringing for the past ten minutes until I realize its Wednesday and not Friday. My back aches, my hair is everywhere and my breath stinks yep its a typical day for me not to mention my saggy eyelids. I snap myself out of my lazy mood also known as 'energy-saving mode' and jump out my clothes and into the shower. When I finished showering I go to my closet and pick out my unfortunate uniform. A black pleated skirt that barely passed my thighs, a purple tank top and a pair of purple roller skates with black wheels was my authorized outfit to work every day. I would rather have worn shit than that skanky outfit. I know dozens of girls who would switch to get my $80 an hour plus tips at any jump of the opportunity so I should be grateful. I brushed my naturally straight hair back, leaving my fringe in front above my eyelid. I did my makeup but I wasn't really in the mood so I only did eyeliner. I was startled when I saw my best friend Tashay. I guess it was dumb of me seeing that we do share the apartment. "Why are you up so late",she asked puzzled. "My dumb alarm wasn't working," I replied obviously lying. "Yea right it was beeping all morning" she replied laughing. I couldn't hide secrets from her and neither could she from me. We were heading out the apartment when three guys called us. I assumed they were calling Tashay because she was beautiful and a bit slimmer than me. Tashay was as curvy as I am but she had a darker complexion. She kept her hair short in a bob cut. She had long legs which were perfectly displayed in the light blue buttoned dress she was wearing. "Come over here" said a guy obviously looking for trouble. He was a cute guy with light green eyes. His black merino displayed his white tanned biceps . He wore a pair of black jeans with an pair of white sneakers. I was a bit jealous he hadn't called me. The other two guys were awkwardly staring at me but I denied them the opportunities to talk to me. Bitchy I know but I was a bit annoyed with Tashay for abandoning me in the hallway. I saw Tashay and the guy exchange numbers. Since I was in my skates, I rolled over to her and dragged her away from him and straight to the parking lot. Once seated, I yelled at her, "What da fuq." "Obviously I gave him my number so what" she said with a straight face. "You don't know who he is for all we know he could be a rapist or a serial killer."  "Once you get to know him you can judge my new boy toy" she said coolly keeping her eyes on the road. I knew I wouldn't win a argument with her so it was an awkward silence to the diner. We finally drove up to Bitches Be Like. I awkwardly stumbled out the car only to see Tashay staring at me with her piercingly large eyes. "Mind you trip.......and fall" she said before reassuringly smiling at me and driving away.  I walked in only to stop in my tracks.  "Don't let me ever see your lazy ass here again," yelled my boss Jevaughn. Lydia was being fired. Gasp! She was his favourite so if she got fired imagine what could happen to me. I was awful at waiting tables and was rarely on time unless it was a Friday. (Fridays are pay days ;P) Lydia cast a cold stare at me before leaving. Creepy? I guess so. "Hello Sasha" he said bellowing me to his office. "Sorry about being late" I lied. I like coming late because.....its fun. "I want to give you a promotion" he said. "Fuck yea" I shouted. Finally something from this crappy job. "You will be replacing Lydia" he smiled. My heart sank in my chest, Dammit Lydia's job sucked. I have to clean the men's bathroom you ass, I yelled throwing his Best Boss Ever mug across the room. He was pathetic enough to buy himself it. He was terrified of me and I loved it. Maybe I  can get a little respect around here. But I had no idea where my sudden strength came from though. I calmed myself down. "Think of it as a promotion, Sasha," he begged, "You get to see the guys up and personal" "Just hire a guy to that you asshole, I yelled. "I am not a slut" I yelled banging my fist on the desk. "You are now" he said obviously fed up with begging me to take the job. I ran out his office and straight outside. I texted Tashay:

                          Pick me up. Am leaving ASAP

She replied,

                         B there in no time :)

I sat there for about 10 mins before she drove up in a red Camry. I went in the car. "Wanna go out?" she asked me with a beaming smile. "Not interested" I shot back. "Not with me dumbass" she giggled, "with a friend of Eric's." "Who's Eric ?" I asked. "My new boyfriend" she giggled. I guess it had to be something like that. I need something to take my mind off the shit I would be cleaning as of next week. "Sure," I said, "Sounds great." We drove up to the apartment and both Tashay and I went in. Our apartment was apart of a larger complex. It was spotless, I guess, and it was fully furnished. We had separate rooms,a kitchen, a living room and a tiny bathroom. It was a small apartment but it was worth a lot. I would sell the apartment if Tashay would let me but I would lose all my memories. It had been the only place I could call home since what had happened.....


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