Chapter Two- Stubborn.

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It's an hour later, and I'm still mad at my mom. Music blasts from my radio, which is hooked up to my iPod. It's just a plain old iPod, not an iPod touch.

I really want a cellphone. Everyone is walkin' around with their smartphones, and I don't even have a dumb one. I'm responsible, old enough, AND everyone else has one. It's 9:45 at night. I skipped supper, just to be stubborn. My stomach is roaring now, and anything i try fails to distract me. Finally, as I'm about to give in and go downstairs, I remember my stash of granola bars in my nightstand drawer. I grin and gobble two of them up. Feeling better, I change into my pajamas and lose myself in a book while the music blares on in the background.

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