Ch. 1 Preparation

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10:00 pm

"Jae, I need you to clean up table six."

I stared at him in confusion. "Table six hasn't been used in weeks."

He smiled softly. His eyes trailed around the restaurant, seeing my co-workers wiping the bar and fixing chairs. He looked at the table distantly and turned around to face me again.

"Fortunately, we have some guests coming with a reservation. I know I shouldn't have to ask you this, but please don't make plans tomorrow. I made sure to plan this event for tomorrow because I know you only work here Fridays."

Still confused, I nodded in agreement. While everyone was cleaning and organizing to end the night, my boss flipped the open sign on the front door and locked it.

"Alright attention everyone, we need this place as presentable as we can. There will  be some special guests coming tomorrow, and I would like to have this place tidy."

"Who's coming, Don?" Lula asked.

"A very close friend of mine who needs a place to work in. So tomorrow lets move all the tables to the back because he will need an open floor. But make sure to put table six near the corner."

It seemed like we wern't going to get paid since we were going to be closed the whole day.

"For those wondering, our guest has paid for the whole evening since we will be closed, so yes you will be paid. Make sure to be here by two thirty tomorrow to do some finishing touches."

It's like he read my mind.

Considering I had other part time jobs, loosing a day of work was inconvenient. Not being able to finish college really affected my source of income. I wasn't able to have the dream job i've always wanted so my salary fluxtuated tremendously. Taking care of loved ones was definitely not an easy task.

"Tomorrow's uniform will be different. Everyone must wear black pants with our resturant's button down. That will be all."

Everyone went back to cleaning up.

"Jae, I'd like to present my asistant manager to the crew that will be coming, so wear something nice. I know your always busy, but please look pretty tomorrow."

I laughed at his request. "Are you saying I always look ugly?"

He shook his head hard. "No no no, don't mis-"

I cut him off with a smile. "Got it Don. Any thing else? Do you need me here earlier tomorrow?"

He rested his hand on my shoulder. "I'd like to treat you to lunch tomorrow to explain how things will be run and then you can explain to the rest of the staff. I'll pick you up at twelve?"

My thumb went up. Don smiled and repeated my actions.

"Get some rest Jae."

Twenty minutes passed, and I headed into the workroom and changed out of my uniform. Picking up my bag and shoes out of my locker, I turned off the lights. Since I was the asistant manager of The Good Corner, it was my responibility to make sure the lights were all off after everyone left. Once the staff was out, I powered everything off, and locked the front doors.

My legs quickly rushed to my car. All of my things were placed into the passenger seat and I jumped into the driver's. I let out a deep sigh.

At least I'll be able to sleep more tonight.


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