Chapter Two

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Chapter 2: Kvöldverður

Iceland changed into something more comfortable, a light dress shirt and what he considered to be his PJ pants, though he didn't know if it was acceptable for China's dinner, he knew Asian countries had certain ways of doing things. Hong Kong knocked on the door and peeked in as Iceland read a book. He looked up and toward the nation. "Dinner's ready." Hong Kong said.

"Oh." Iceland put his book down on the bed and got up. Hong Kong stepped aside and let Iceland come out of the room. Iceland came out and slid the door behind him, then followed Hong Kong into the dinning room. China had just finished setting up for dinner, it looked like he went all out too. Bowls of noodles, chicken, rice, dumplings, soups, cups of tea, it looked like a fest that would barely feed him and the Nordics; Denmark always ate up everything.

"Hello Iceland-Aru!" China finished setting the table. Iceland had studied some Chinese manners, he knew some things but he was confused on them. He knew the guest of honor was suppose to sit down first, he couldn't tell if that was him or not, he was the guest. Hong Kong glanced at him.

"After you." He said. Iceland realized he was the guest of honor, he quickly gave a small head bow to the two nations and sat in the chair, he was pretty happy it wasn't like Japan's house, where he had to sit on the floor. After that, China and Hong Kong sat down too, across the small table. He sat there, not knowing what to do now, until he heard China speak.

"Let's eat-Aru." He smiled. Hong Kong glanced towards Iceland again, telling him to go first. Iceland sensed that and picked up the chop sticks, China and Hong Kong followed. Hong Kong silently began eating, only after Iceland and China tried some, dinner was silent. Normally Iceland was fine with silence, he always ate by himself if not with the other Nordics, Denmark always made it loud. Iceland tried to remember that book he studied, Chinese Etiquette was confusing to him; certain ways to do everything. He didn't want to look bad in front of China though, he glanced towards Hong Kong to see what to do.

Hong Kong was silent, he sat there elegantly and ate his food. He didn't go all out, he picked the food up one at a time in small pieces and slowly ate them. Iceland copied; he tried picking up a dumpling with the chopsticks, though he accidentally dropped it on his plate, which caused Hong Kong to glance over at him. Iceland tried picking it up again and once again dropped it, he wanted to curse at it, just under his breath though.

"Iceland," Hong Kong said, Iceland looked at him. Hong Kong raised his chopsticks up and moved them. "Like this." He showed Iceland how to use them. Iceland looked at his own and tried matching them to the way Hong Kong was holding them. After a few tries, Iceland finally managed to hold the chopsticks right, though it seemed that the other two nations were almost done. He sighed a bit and continued eating while the other two nations finished eating.

Iceland finished a few minutes later, after he realized the other two were done, he felt a little embarrassed. He looked over towards Hong Kong, only to find the nation staring at him; He quickly turned his eyes to China instead. "Would you like any desert or tea, aru?" He asked.

"N-no thank you." Iceland said. "I think I should just go to bed, I'm very tired."

"Oh okay," China said. "Good night then, aru." Iceland bowed his head a bit and carefully got up.

"Thank you for the meal." Iceland bowed his head once again and started walking back to his room. He slid the room's door open, went in, and slid it behind him. He was quick to turn on the light and laid down on the bed, it was so soft and comfortable. He was quickly falling asleep before he knew it. He got under the covers, snuggled in, and then grabbed the extra blanket Hong Kong gave him and spread it over himself. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep in the cozy bed.

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