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My just got back from hell, or the long list of errands. The first one was the doctors :/
And, I hate this but I do it every time. I stress myself out two weeks before I have to actually go and end up almost passing out from it. I can actually sweat in cold temperatures too apparently. And you just get that sense of betrayal when they say, " Oh, don't worry honey; you won't be getting your next shot until your 14 :D" I turn thirteen, and I need to get a shot. They say it's sixteen.. I NEED TO GET A SHOT. I didn't really believe the nurse when she said, " Now the next shot you're going to get won't be until you're eighteen young lady."...... .___.
They would also always recommend the blood work, or latest vaccine at the end of every single well-visit. Luckily, my mom didn't let them inject random chemicals that they found "beneficial." Instead she just says that she'll check it out, get a paper, and then recycle it :3
These people use the stupidest reasons too, like," Oh, this blood work will help you figure out how tall you're going to be, so... yea." After the doctors, we spend approximately fifty minutes trying to update mah bro's job application to Publix. Then we go to the library to pick up books that weren't even put on hold.  And Ima gonna read some Edith Hamilton later in this week 😎

I don't know if I'm venting or not. I did create a character through the agony that I've endured, so I'll show it in my Errrt book.

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