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Ok, so i was attending a place and my mom parked us in the front. Once we got ready to leave the random place, we noticed a huge truck blocking the exit. There was one other car that was trapped. We saw that there was no driver; we see a tall thick guy taking his sweet  apple time, when the second cars' driver decides to talk to the tall thick guy. He demands to exit the random place; the tall thick guy grudgingly disapproves. My mom joins him in the situation. The tall thick guy finally fulfills the request. However, he only let the other driver out, because he was a guy. He moved his truck forward enough for the other driver to pass safely, but still ended up blocking us. The tall thick man made my mom wiggle out of the parking spot for 23 minutes! And watching us with an amused look on his face. The worst part was that it was 102 degrees outside, we were sweating, my moms car is dark green, it was already burning inside, and the only frickin way we could make the air conditioning cool, was to get the car moving.  I was pissed, my mom was pissed, but my bro didn't really care. It was unbelievably sexist and I declared vengeance on that tall thick guy who I'll probably never see ever again. We were stuck in the hot car with hot air and a hot outside environment. For the rest of the two hours in that car we were dying externally and internally. I burned my hand putting on the seat belt because there always a metal thing you have to touch( curse you conductors.) The moral of the story is to never park in front of a place and to never trust tall thick guys.

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