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Thank you so much for the idea @cjtaylor204 for the idea . You guys can tell me more ideas of what to wright about I would love that . 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😃😀😀😀😀😀😀💛💛💛💛💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Mal pov 

Ben has been  avoiding me for two weeks . He never answers my call or text. So I decide that I'll go see him. I walked up to the big castle and knock on the door. 

Belle : Oh hello Mal what brings you here 

Mal : Hi Belle I just came over to see Ben 

Belle : Alright he should be in his office you should stay for dinner. 

Mal : Ok thank you 

I walk up the grand stair  case . Ever time I pass some one they would bow and say hello   My lady     and I would always tell them not to bow. I soon apruch Bens office . I knock on the door. I hear a come in. I walked in Ben looks at me then right back at his paper . Ben would always have a smile on his face and get up and give me a kiss pick me up and we wouled sit in his chair and work on his work together.

Ben : What do you want. 

Mal : I just came to see you I haven't seen you in two weeks you don't answer my calls or text . 

Ben : Why don't you just get  Blondie to do it then . He see you every other time 

Mal : Wait are you talking about  Robin 

Robin is  Rapunzel and Eugene  Son and his sisters ruby  descendants wicked world shorts  

  Ben: Oh look she knows his name 

Mal :  What's your problem 

I walk closer to him

Ben : My problem is that some stupid  villain kid is  bothering me right now and I'm doing something  important 

Mal : So I'm not  important any more 

He get close to my face 

Ben : You know what you were never important were  through I need some one who realy important 

He push me . I'm about to cry but I'm not going to let him see that he did . I  throw my ring at him and run out . I  pass by Belle and  Adam . 

Belle : Mal what  wrong 

Mal : Your son 

I keep running tell I'm at my drom. I run into the bath room . 

Evie : Mal what wrong 

I don't answer her 

Evie : I'm calling the gang will not Ben cause he probly won't answer 

Soon all my friends are here 

Jane : Mal what the problem 

Uma : Come on Mal you can tell us any thing 

Evie : Open the door 

I slowly open the door . 

Lonnie :  There that pretty face now tell use what happen 

Mal : Ben ..... told me that I'm just a villain kid ..... who's never been important ...... and he should find some one who is important 

They all look mad . I cry in Evie shoulder. I soon fall asleep.

Ben pov 

I was in my office just  processing what I just did . When my mom and dad walked in my mom looked pissed. 

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