1: normal

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It was a normal day at school, bright as usual.

The teacher wasn't in the classroom, he was late. Shigaraki didn't care though. He was busy sitting down and messing with his pen until some teens decided to mess with him.

Everybody knew that mess with him; death. But these fools didn't understand that.

"Hey stupid" said the 1st one

...No answer.

"Hey fucker we're talking to you" the other one said

Still no answer

The teens started to get piss "hey" he says as he slams his hand on the table. Shigaraki looks at the table.

"Sorry i couldnt understand you do to all the bullshit thats in your mouth" he said still messing with his pen. The classroom was "ohhh"ing. The teens were mad.

Their boss kicked his table, and then grabbed his collar.

"Look fucker, in this class no one messes with us. " tomura chuckled. He was pissed, the pen he had now is disintegrated.

He then pushed the teen away from him managing to corner him to a wall. He then pinned him to the wall and grabbed his neck lifting up one of his finger making sure not to kill him.

Looking the guy in the eye he says

"Look pal... no hard feelings but your kinda annoying me with all that shit your talking."

He then smiles

"So it be nice if you just shut the hell up!" He then releases him and the guy is scared.

He picks up his table and sits back down. He then opens his backpack and takes out one of the 30 pens he has; inko gave him that much because she knew that he'll disintegrated them.

He then starts to mess with that pen and act like nothing happened, the class just stares.

Roshi yuki the guy next to him speaks  "shigaraki dude that was cool" tomura looks at him and then smiles

"Heh thanks" the guy next to him smiles back.

Time skip                  

The lunch bell rings
Tomura walks to Izuku class and waits, he knows that he comes a little bit later.

As the door opens he sees the green hair boy. As he walks out tomura calls him.

"Hey izu "  Izuku then does a 180 and faces him. His face was scared now more relaxed.

"Oh shi chan. You scared me. " he laughs nervously, tomura then walks up to him and ruffles his hair.

"Come on broccoli boy"

"Y-yeah lets go" he says blushing, he then notices and thinks "how cute " and starts to walk to their usual spot.

Roof top   

As they sat down they started to talk

"So what high school are you going to izu"

"Oh um... you might think its dumb" he says nervously

"Oh come on have i ever judged you" he gives a playful punch and smiles. Izuku looks at him and smiles "no " tomura then laughs.

"Ok then what school"
It's silent for a while "U.A" he says in a whisper like voice.

Shigaraki eyes then widen "U.A" Izuku then nodded.

Izuku knew that his dreams were stupid to every one due to him having no quirk. But it would be worse if his best friend who had a quirk as powerful as it is thinks it's also stupid. He nervously waits for what he's going to say

"I believe you can do it" midoriya's eyes widen and then look at him. Shi chan was smiling at him. Was he really thinking that he could do it

Before Shi chan could look at him Izuku then did what he did best...

He then started to panic

"Izu are you ok did a I say something wrong" Izuku looked at him and gave him a smile and wiped his tears

"N-no you didnt its just... nobody has ever believed in me and im glad you do"

Tomura blushed, he then ruffled his hair again

"Ah shi chan stop"

"Nope you cant make me" deku then grabs his wrist and tried to make him stop. He then did

He then started to laugh and so did midoriya, then the laughing died down.

"Shi chan you should apply to UA too" he then looked at him

"Nah im good" Izuku wouldn't give up though but he drop the topic

"Shi chan what did you do in class " tomura thinks

"Well nothing really some stupid people tried to bully me but then i frighten there boss by almost disintegrated them"

Deku was surprised he took out something from his pockets and gave it to him.

"Whats this" he asks in curiosity

"Mom wanted me to give you these so when you touch somthing it doesnt disintegrated "

Tomura then takes it and puts it on his hand, Izuku then gives him the other one.

"Thanks izu" he says as he admires the green gloves

But before he could say your welcome every body's favorite antagonist in this anime...
Bakuguo katsuki walks in

"Hey shit heads " he says as he and his poses walk in.

"Oh hey firecracker " he says as he gave him a fake smile.

"So me and my gang clam this spot so if you could fukin leave"

"Oh but we dont want to" Izuku didn't say anything, he then just barely realized that shigaraki and katsuki have red eyes. Kachans were a ruby red while his was a more bloody red.

"If you dont move I'll fucking kill you"

"Try me" Izuku then got up and got next to shigaraki

"Shi chan lets go" he then notices that Izuku is shaking so he listens

"Fine then lets go" he then grabs his trash and walks out with midoriya making sure he's on the right side of him so he won't get hurt.

They both made there way to there classes early

End of the day

As tomuru got out of his class he got a text from Izuku to not wait for him in his class room. So he did, he was going to wait outside for him.

As he did he saw katsuki he walked up to him; their relationship was weird, they both could be friends one moment but If he saw katsuki bullying Izuku he would act like an enemy

"Hey kachan" he said almost laughing. Bakuguo then quickly turned around and saw it was just tomura

"*sigh*what is it bitch "

"Uhg my feelings they hurt so much" he says jokingly

Katsuki then gives him a chuckle "stupid" he said

"Heh but have you seen midoriya" katsuki then looks at him"eh i havent seen that shitty nerd"

"Can you help me look for him" he then looks at him annoyed

"Thanks" he then grabs his rist and just as they were about to go into the building tomura's face looked mortified

"Hey what are looking at" he then looks up and his eyes widen

Someone was on the roof, and not just anybody:

"Izu"              "izuku"

Suicide is what might happen, if you thought this was going to be all sunshine and lolipopes then nope you were wrong

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