Chapter Two

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                                FIVE YEARS LATER

        Axis had made a promise. And that promise would be kept.

        He would visit Dargo every Friday of the week. He would bring something for him to enjoy, like chocolates and sweets or hand-made necklaces from Avril.

        And today was a Friday.

        Axis walked across to the graveyard. It was the longest walk out of all of them. Because this time, Axis had something special to give to Dargo. And he wouldn't let anyone steal it. 

        Axis carried a shovel and the item he wanted to give to Dargo.

        Axis remembered how Dargo had died. Dargo had defeated his first opponent and had made it to the next stage of the Tournament. And then... there was a man named Seth Kilo. He had a fire dragon... and Dargo....

        Dargo died by being blasted by fire.

        And what did his father do? He continued the Tournament as if nothing had happened! AS IF everyday people died right in front of him. Like it was just an everyday thing. He barely shed a tear about it.

        He was blinded by their government, the Crossbones were true about that. When his mother had died, Axis didn't feel any pain. He just felt numb, numb from the loss and numb from those words everyone whispered to make him feel better. He had believed those words, he honestly believed them.

        But now, he was as awake as ever and he saw that the government was evil.

        He had even talked to Avril about it. He wanted to leave, maybe even join the Crossbones. But Avril declined very agressively. They hadn't spoke to each other in months, and he missed having his twin there. He missed having that support there, and it was as if his bridge was falling.

        He'd visited Dargo for over four years now, and it was an official routine. It was a mantra in his head whenever he woke up. I must see Dargo, I must see Dargo.

        He hadn't missed one day.

        Axis sighed, and walked in through the graveyard gates. It was a chilly night, and Axis thanked the Lord he had brought a jacket. The jacket was a bit small, but it was better than nothing.

        He dragged the shovel against the ground, a few occasional bumps here and there in the melody of the scraping. 

        And then, he reached the gravestone. It was his. His body was right under where he stood, resting. That reminded him: Dargo's dragon was in the pens now. That was where all of the dragons who had lost their masters went. Sometimes, they didn't even live.

        A dragon, a beast whom everyone said had no heart of any sort, had felt grief when Dargo died. Axis even remembered the dragon's name: Heliofixe.

        Helio was her nickname. And Helio screeched as he saw her master die.

        That's what Axis wanted to do: lose control and just cry.

        Last Friday, Axis had given Dargo a ring. And now, that ring was gone. 

        Axis knew he should've buried it. He buried most of the things he gave Dargo, but he left the ring on the ground. He liked to think that Dargo took it, but no. It was childish thinking; someone had stolen it.

        He absolutely had to bury this gift. It was probably the most important one yet. He had to keep it a secret. 

        He dug the shovel into the ground next to the gravestone. He stabbed it so it went further down with his foot and then, pulled it up and out. Axis eyed the hole... wait...

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