"I'm here all week for your entertainment, love." He dramatically threw the dress down. "Sooo what is all this about?"

I blushed and turned away from him.

"I don't know what to wear tonight."

"You look perfect in what you're in right now. Well, maybe put some pasties on. Get some fun tassles..."

"Harry! I'm being serious!" I cover my face.

"So was I! You look perfect. No need to cover up, but I guess public decency is a thing sooo..." Dresses suddenly go flying everywhere until one hits me in the face.

"I like you in white and lace. It will look even nicer with your tan. Ooh, and this is fun." He throws another dress at me that's tan and off the shoulder. "It'll show off your sexy collarbones."

"Oook but which one out of the two?!" I pout like this is the hardest decision in the world.

"White tonight and tan tomorrow." A look of realization takes over his face. "Did I forget to tell you that this was a two-day trip? Pack a bag...or do you need me to pack for you like old times?"

"Harry!" I stand up and throw a tank top over my head. "Where are we going?"

"Montego Bay. I thought it would be nice to get out and see Jamaica. Amongst other things..." He muttered the last part. I squeezed my thighs together at the possibilities.

If this fucker doesn't kiss me on this so-called two day date getaway, I'm going to spontaneously combust.

"You look like you're about to punch me in the face. Um, we can stay here if you want." He scratched his head awkwardly.

"No no, of course I want to go." My expression softens.

He twitches at the mess and starts hanging my dresses back up in order of color. I felt bad for watching him and started hanging them up with him but he would cluck his tongue at me for putting it in the wrong spot.

"Fine, sassy pants. You know best." I grab my small duffle bag to pack for the next couple days. I can feel his eyes of disapproval on me as I throw panties and tank tops in without folding them. When I return from the bathroom with my toiletries, he smiles sheepishly folding my clothes that I had just sacked into my bag.

"Yeh can't just throw them in all willy nilly like that, Nikki."

"Woah. I feel like I just heard your mum come out." I laugh and hand him my toiletries that he gladly took so he could organize them the way he wanted.

"My mum knows best." He laughed along.

I smiled at the thought of Anne helping Harry pack for his first world tour. Her scolding him for not folding his socks correctly then weeping both tears of joy and sadness at the thought of her precious boy living his dreams and being gone for months. I'm sure she went to as many shows as she could.

My mum never saw a show on one of my tours. She didn't help me pack when I was leaving home for the first time. I remember crying and throwing whatever I could in the only suitcase I owned. I grabbed my guitar and the record player that my dad had crafted with his own hands. That record player went everywhere with me. It was a reminder of who my dad really was and sort of an anchor to my roots even though home ceased to actually feel like home to me. It was as if I was toting around what was left of that part of me—that little girl who wanted to make her father proud.

And now it's gone.

"Angel? You alright?" Harry asked softly.

"Yeah..." I cleared my throat. Today is going to be a happy day. "When do we leave?"

The Sound of Silence 2 // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now