Chapter 6- Old Foes Return

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Chapter 5 Recap: We leave the mall and Jake shoves me in his car. "Im sorry Jake, Please just let me go!"

I said as tears stream down my face.

"Shut the Fuck up Mackenzie!"and after that it was total darkness.

All I remember was a voice saying "He'll come for us soon Luna, We will rejoice with our 'Mate'"


{Mason's P.O.V}

I have no way to register what just happen. We kissed, We kissed! But what I cant register is who was that guy that took her away from me. At some point I wanted to rip his throat out for even looking at her but he was human and it would be weird to the public as some dont even know werewolves exists, so thats a bad idea.

The way her face was when that guy took her was like mixed emotion. Sadness, Anger, Regret, and something I cant clearly see. I know if she said shes ok then I believe her.

I would hope since we kissed that she would lossen up and tell me whats going on. And if she was in any danger then she would seek hel-

"Mason, she's in danger. Her wolf is calling for us! Go after them!" my wolf Ryder told me.

" What do you mean 'in danger' whats going on?"

"Her wolf is calling us to help her, she says that somethings going to happen."

"Can we track them? Do you have their scent?"

"Yes, Mason come on!"

Just then we catch her scent and run out the mall leaving everyone with questionable looks on their faces.

I hop in my car and head towards the delicious scent of our mate and hope we find out whats going on.

"Im coming Mackenzie, dont worry"


{Mackenzie's P.O.V}

I feel myself come back to consciousness and my memory of what happened. I attempt to open my eyes but im blinded by a white light pointed directly at me.

"Nice to see your awake"

"Who are you?" my voice is noticeable that I'm scared shitless.

"How could you forget me sweetness?" I then remembered that Jake took me from Mason's arms.

I know there is no way in hell im going to act scared in front of Jake. I know how to push is buttons and thats is what I plan to do to get out of here.

"How could I forget the worst mistake in my life, hello Jake" I said with a smirk and scowl mixed expression in my face.

"Ha, how could you say that sweetness, I clearly remember you saying you wanted me and only me." now he was the one smirking.

"That was before I found out your little secret life. You know I never really cared for you. You were just a waste of space in my book." I can notice him clenching his jaw and fist.

"Shut up Mackenzie, say one more word and youll regret it." I then shut up. I know what he could do so I really dont want that. And with that he leaves the room.

"You know your better than that"

"who is this" I said in my head.

"Im Kate, and im your wolf"

"Im going insane. Im truly going insane"

"Its true, I am your wolf, You are a werewolf."

" This cant be happening, Im am not a werewolf and you are not my wolf. You are just my figment of my imagination. And all I am is talking to myself."

"That you are not. Since today is your birthday you will shift today. Thats why you can hear me."

"what do you mean shift?"

"Every werewolf on their 18th birthday shift to their werewolf forms for the first time. It is also the day they find their mate."

"Mate" I whispered to myself.

"What is a mate? Thats what Mason said when he saw me and we spoke."

" A mate is like a soulmate, like another part of you, Your other half. Another person who will love you for not matter what happens. Basically your one true love."

"This is really weird, I dont know what to believe right now."

"Have your parent ever told you about this?"

"My parents died when I was 3 years old. I live in a foster family"

"No wonder your so oblivious. "

Just then I heard banging and stuff crashing on the floor and people yelling.

There was also my name being yelled by someone.

"Mackenzie! Mackenzie! Yell! Tell me when you are!"

"Over here! Please help me!" I try to get up but I notice a burning sensation around my wrist and ankles. I look down and I have cuffs around them.

"Their silver. Their a werewolves weakness. Now do you believe in what you are?"

"Yeah I guess but I wont really know until I 'shift' like you say, do you know when that'll happen?"

"Next week as soon as it hits midnight"


Just then the door starts getting slammed and I loose all consciousness as I feel my self being freed by the agonizing cuffs and be lifted into a warm pair of arms.


hey guys I made this chapter way more lengthy than the rest. even though its mostly her and her wolf talking.

The picture above is what Jake looks like.

What do you think will happen next?

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