Chapter 41: Rationale

Start from the beginning

Rumple grinds his teeth together, becoming more impatient. Yes, he'd had to deal with Crystal's stubborn teenage angst and attitude in the past, and he'd nearly burned down his shop a few times while dealing with it. He was not a good father in the sense of patience or tolerance for such behaviour, something he is trying to fix about himself for Gideon's sake, but the darkness is slithering back into his veins. It is trying to provoke an attack on this girl, and while she is far from innocent, she does not deserve the fate the Darkness is whispering in his ears.

He clutches his fist, taking in a deep breath. He knows he won't be able to control this darkened rage much longer. He needs some time to pause and reflect, go back to the people who love him, bring the goodness and light back. His hand glows, he freezes Uma in her place so she cannot escape and could still answer for her transgressions later, takes her pirate hat from her head and then poofs himself back to the hospital.


Mal, Evie, and Dizzy have joined the group outside. Dizzy hugs everyone with great relief, happy to see familiar faces again. Mary Margret, David, a sleeping Neal, Belle, and Emma also join the group.

"Okay, so Mary Margret, Regina, and David, this is Ben, Doug, and Jane," Mal introduces them. "Guys, this is Snow White and Prince Charming, and the Former Evil Queen."

Dizzy's eyes widen in shock for a moment as the nice couple who had helped calm her were actually Prince Charming and Snow White. She has an impulse to bow to them. Ben does his best to try and appear professional and royal, he stands up and goes to shake the hands of these royals.

"King Ben of Auradon," he says, shaking David's hand firmly. "It is an honour to meet this town's royalty. Hello Prince, Charming and Princess Snow. Your Majesties."

Mal does her best to not smile, despite everything that has happened, her ex still tries to remain diplomatic and polite while meeting royalty. The people are not even wearing crowns and yet Ben is bowing like they must be worshipped like gods.

Emma snickers to herself and goes to be next to Killian. "Kid," she says to Ben. "Just so you know, royalty doesn't really exist here. At least not in the sense that Mal describes in Auradon. My parents may be Snow White and Prince Charming, but here... they're just my parents. My mom's a teacher and my dad's a farmer. The closest thing to royalty we have is Regina, who is our mayor and our leader of the town. Does that make sense?"

Ben's eyes look at Regina's accented face and he swallows a lump in his throat. He goes over to the former villain and shakes her hand. "Your majesty."

"Just call me Regina," the former evil queen says. She can sense the boy's discomfort with the fact that she is a reformed villain "It will make this a lot less awkward for all of us."

Evie gives a small smile and then goes to see Doug. The two wrap their arms around one another and Regina is slightly taken aback by it. She'd seen her daughter run to this boy's aid earlier, suspecting a relationship of some kind and this fully confirms it to the queen. She gives off a soft smile, watching the two cuddle against with one another. While his wiry and nerdier appearance could be seen as off-putting, Regina can fully see that this boy respects her and treats her like the princess she is. It's the protective parenting instinct taking over, she'd felt the same way when Henry first started dating Violet, although she was more concerned with him treating her with respect. The newly discovered mother reminds herself that next time she gets Evie alone, she's going to ask her more about this Doug.

"And call us Mary Margret and David, it's easier that way," the teacher says, taking their sleeping son from her husband.

Just then, Rumple appears in the room, scaring everyone and taking them all off guard.

"Dad, where have you been?" Crystal asks. Gideon claps his hands upon seeing his father appear and reaches out eagerly. The Dark One obliges with his son's demands and takes him into his arms. Belle goes to stand next to her husband.

"An alarm was triggered in my shop when I went to investigate, I found a delinquent juvenile trying to rob valuables from my shop and had already struck once as the place was filled with junk food, likely acquired illegally as well. She had very bright blue braids and wore this hat."

He tosses it to Mal. The distinct smell of rotten shrimp hits her nose.

"Uma..." she hisses through her teeth.

"I assume by her foul salty stench that she is related to some sea creature?" Rumple inquires.

"She's the daughter of Ursula and a thorn in all of our sides," the daughter of Maleficent says through gritted teeth.

"Well, she won't cause trouble now. I've frozen her in place, so we can decide what to do with her."

"Rumple, how could you?!" Belle says angrily, shocked by her husband's brash actions.

"Believe me, Belle, this was the rational solution. She was provoking my dark side and I decided to come here to cool off."

"B-Belle?" Ben gasps, his mouth falling open in shock. "Mother?!"

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