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I haven't seen him in ages.

And yes. Him.

Who the fuck is him? He's someone I'm trying to just forget really. I loved him, and I think he loved me.

But even if I were to have got with him, I knew it wouldn't work. He was just... back then in my eyes to good for me. But soon I'd figure out that I was just to good for him.

I told myself Gabby, you're better than that. He's a player, and players don't change like they do I the books or movies for anyone. But as well... I have my hopes.

The thing is...

It's been about a year since I've stopped loving him. I see him with her every weekend and it hurts like hell. But I push forward.

Until I saw him stop.

He stopped coming.

Because I stopped coming.

And seeing him smile and laugh at her jokes just hurts more and more. He was mine first, so why do you have him wrapped around your finger like that. At least let us be best fucking friends like we used to before you were in the damn picture.

I know how you feel, I know you get jealous when you see us laughing, I know you get jealous when we share drinks, I know you get jealous because he showed me all his wonderful music before he showed you. But no one can take my place... right?


We used to laugh, make jokes. We used to stare at each other and turn red once the other one looks away. WE USED TO BE US AND HAD NO CARE IN THE WORLD ON WHATEVER ANYONE ELSE HAD TO SAY. You told me you loved me... and now you're happy with her. You played with me and I let you.

But yet again....

I still and will always love him. I've just walked back into my literal dungeon and i have him the keys.

Fucking hell.

Fucking hell

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