New projects

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I said I'll be offline and I will be though-

Hear me out.

This is my poem called Adult, it's based on a very very true story as in it's happening rn.


I need to go off line since the end of my school year is coming near, and I need to do something my dear.
I promise I won't be out for to long, and I'm not that young.
I will be applying for colleges in the summer, and in all honesty it's kinda a bummer.
My childhood teenage years are soon coming to an end.
But I'm not leaving yet my friend.
I promise this isn't farewell
More so just my first steps to adult hell.
College, SAT's and work too.
Everything I secretly don't want to grow up to.
But at one point everyone does, and it's undeniable you won't feel the adult buzz.
So until then I will see you soon,
Don't let go of the childhood ballon.


Yes. I am becoming an adult, I mean I'm 16 and soon turning 17 in November, I'll be applying to colleges and my prom is this month and it's very much crazy, I'll have a job during the summer and I'll be going to an Art School too for a few days as well, and right now my grades aren't doing so well... that's why I need to go on break for a bit, bust until I'm stable.

I promise I'll be back but until then if you see me on it's because I'm talking to a friend or reading because in all honesty this still is my escape

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I promise I'll be back but until then if you see me on it's because I'm talking to a friend or reading because in all honesty this still is my escape.

I don't think I'll depart ever with Wattpad or the community but for now I'll take a break until summer. Or until I'm fine in my big girl shoes.

As for the Plans and Projects, when I come back I plan to open up a new version of Cliché High School RP for the big 100th chapter, and the big 10K read.

I also plan to open up a new book I haven't tried yet called Jukebox, it's gonna be a graphic shop so my days might be kinda busy.

Just a heads up.

So with love, Amy Gabriella.


@ anyone I do RP with omg.

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