1~Why are you so mean?

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Mackenzie's POV

Hi, my name is Mackenzie Ziegler. But my friends call me Kenzie. I have one sister, but no one knows she's my sister. Nor do people know I have a sister. I am the girl no one knows. And my sister; Maddie. Is the person EVERYONE knows. But it was my idea to keep our sister relationship a secret since where we last lived, everyone only knew me because she was my sister.

I woke up at 6:00 am and took a shower. I got out and got ready. Some maids came in my room to clean it up and give me my morning smoothie.

I changed into a pair of high waisted black jeans, a regular white tee, and a pair of white Vans. And I know what you might be thinking, "why would she wear cheap clothes when she's rich?" But I never tell anyone. Nor does Maddie. It's just so we can get friends without them being total fakes.

"Morning miss. Your car is ready downstairs. And your mother and father are out already." My butler informed me. I nodded and he handed me my schedule and my office bag. Everyday I have a schedule and I go to work so I get 'practice' before I take over the family company. Or that is what my parents always lecture me about.

I grabbed everything and headed out. I had my smoothie and I stopped by Maddie's room.

"Hey Mads. You better hurry. We have school." I reminded her as she was looking at two outfit options.

"Uh! Which ones?!?" She yelled; very dramatically.

"Just hurry up."

"Choose one for me!"

"Ok. Um, here's a hint. DONT LOOK LIKE A SLUT, A HOOKER, OR A BITCH!" I yelled, and she nodded as she smiled. This happens every time I yell at her. "Ok, I'm leaving. Meet me at the office?"

"Yup, I think mom and dad are coming home early."

"Yeah right. They are always gone."

"At least have hope."

"That blew away long ago....whatever. I'm gonna actually go. Bye Mads."

"Bye Kenz!" She yelled before I left. The car was all ready for me, so I just got inside. I left the house, or should I say mansion I call home. Then I drove to school. From home to school it takes 45 minutes but it is the nearest school from my house.

I got to school and got to my locker. I organized everything for first period, then my two best friends came up to me.

"Hey." I greeted them.

"Hey Kenzie." They both said in unison.

"So, are you coming?" Lauren asked.

"To what?" I asked.

"My house after school. You never come to our hangouts after school." Annie said.

"Oh, so sorry. M-My mom. Yeah, s-she needs help." I stuttered, obviously I was lying.

"Kenzie. Just tell us if you don't wanna be our friend." Lauren said.

"No, it's not that. I'm just not aloud to say. My mom, she's super strict. And that's why I'm always pressured with homework and stuff. I'm so sorry." I said, it wasn't completely a lie. My mom is strict. But my stepdad is the one who is more strict about my social life and my mom is strict about my 'work' life and how I look and makes sure I look 'presentable'.

"Oh, ok." Lauren sighed.

"I'm truly sorry." I apologized again.

"Kenzie. It's totally fine. Um. Meet after lunch?" Annie asked. I nodded then went to class.

{Skip to Lunch}

It was now lunch and my last class before lunch was on the opposite side of the actual cafeteria!

As I was walking, I heard a few whispers. "Hey Mackenzie!" I heard my name get called. It sounded somewhat familiar.

I turned around to see the group of players. "What do you want?" I said as I crossed my arms.

"Woah. Little miss feisty. Just wanted to remind you that I look terrible. Fucking nerd." Johnny said. Well, he's been doing this for the longest time ever that I'm used to it.

"Try all you want. You don't know anything about me. Nor will you ever." I snapped back.

"Like what? You wear the same shoes everyday plus I bet you can't even buy a new pair." Carson said.

"Why are you so mean? Just mind your own business." I said; trying to be calm after I was about to explode.

They didn't answer. I just scoffed and walked to lunch.

I saw Lauren and Annie sitting at our usual table. "Hey girls." I said as I sat next to Annie and Lauren was sitting across from us.

"Kenz what's wrong?" Annie asked.

"Uh, Orlando." I scoffed.

"Me? W-" but I cut Lauren off.

"No. Your brother."

"Oh!" They both said. "That makes more sense." Annie said.

"What did my stupid brother do?" Lauren asked. But before I could speak, the worst Orlando came.

"I didn't do anything Laur. She's the mean one." Johnny said; innocently.

I just rolled my eyes and Lauren and Annie did too. Johnny and his 'gang' left. Me, Annie, and Lauren laughed when we saw Johnny's reaction.

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