Chapter 2

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Molly's POV

Me and Jordan sat down at one of the tables. I shook his hand. "Hello. My name is Molly and I'll be interviewing you today." I started blushing. I felt like an idiot. Why did I say that? He already knows that! I thought. "Okay." Said Jordan. I smiled, still trying not to show my teeth. I got lost in thought and stupidity for an brief moment. "Well," Said Jordan. I snapped out of my train of thought instantly. "Sorry!" I said, blushing again. "Let's begin, shall we?" I opened my binder and started reading down the long list.

I mostly asked questions about his youtubing career. He said not to call it a career, 'cause it wasn't. All I did was nod, then continued. I asked a couple of questions about real life and interests. Once I read all the questions, we started having an actual conversation. He asked a few questions about me.. We actually had a lot in common. I suddenly felt upset, because I knew it was just an interview, and it would end in the blink of an eye. 

"Ya' know, I think I might stay here for a little bit." Jordan snapped me out of my train of thought again. He seemed to be really good at that. My eyes widened. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah. It's a small and quiet town and I think it'd be a good break from the city. All I need is a hotel..." "No you don't!" I suddenly felt stupider than ever. Jordan looked at me, confused. "You can stay at my house for a few days."

Me and Maddy lived in a small two story house together. There were only three rooms, but a least there were enough rooms for a guest room. "That's really nice of you Molly, but I can-" "Come on! You shouldn't have to pay hundreds of dollars on hotels and dining out! Plus, there's not really any nice ones." He thought about it for a little bit. I managed to look calm, but I had my fingers crossed behind my back. "Okay. I'll stay with you for a few days." I smiled, this time showing my brace covered teeth. 

We went up to the guy hosting the interview and told him we were done. "Alright! I hope you both learned a lot!" I looked back at the tables. Ty and Maddy had already left. We went out to the parking lot and got in our cars. He followed me to my house. When we got there, I grabbed his suitcase out of the trunk and led him up to the guest room. I closed the door so he could settle in, only to come face-to-face with Maddy in the hallway. She was carrying a few travel bags. "What were you doing in the guest room?" She asked. "I'm letting Jordan stay for a few days. What's up with all the bags?" "Me and Ty are going to Seattle tomorrow." She replied. My eyes widened. "Isn't that were skydoesminecraft lives?" I asked. She nodded. "We're going to see him, actually." "Please say hi for me!" 

Maddy chuckled, then nodded. "Whatever you say, little miss fangirl." I rolled my eyes. Little miss fangirl was a nickname I got in high school because I was a major fangirl over a lot of youtubers and I wrote fanfictions a lot (FANFIC-CEPTION!). "Shut up!" I said, slugging her. She began laughing, and so did I. She went downstairs and I followed her. She said her and Ty already had dinner, so I decided to make dinner for me and Jordan.

I made salmon and salad for dinner. My pet kitten, Ace, rubbed against my leg as I cooked. He was only 10 weeks old, and I'd only had him for 3 weeks, but he still really liked me. I put the food, plates and silverwear at the table. "Jordan, I made dinner!" I called. A couple seconds later he came down the stairs. "You didn't have to." He said. "I wanted to!" I said. We both sat down and began eating. It was like a normal dinner. We ate and had a really interesting conversation about our interests. I put everything in the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen. Jordan thanked me as I cleaned the counter. 

After that, I took my melatonin pill (It helps you sleep) then went upstairs. Ty and Maddy were already asleep. I got on a black spaghetti sleeve shirt and red pajama pants. I brushed my hair and teeth and put my hair into a bun. It took me a little bit to fall asleep, but I eventually did.


Okay guys sorry for any typos. My F key still isn't working. Also, if you wanna know what Ace looks like, look in the media section. Thank you for reading my nerds and geeks! Remember: Everytime you vote, a muffin earns its wings, and everytime you comment, an annoying little kid shuts up for once. So please, help muffins learn to fly and people relax.

My Work of Art [A Captainsparklez+Team Crafted FF] *COMPLETED*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя