Chapter 21

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*Timeskip 3 days

Molly's POV

We were finally going home with Payton that day. Me and Jordan were both really excited. I was holding Payton in the carrier while they rolled me out in a wheelchair. "Honey let me take the baby while you change." Said Jordan. I nodded, then gave him the carrier. I got changed into the clothes I was wearing the night I went into labor. Plaid pajama pants and a medium shade blue T-shirt. "Ready?" Jordan asked. I nodded, and we left to the car. 

I held Payton in the carrier as Jordan drove to Adam's house. I felt like crying tears of joy. That had been happening a lot. I just gave birth. It's probably a hormone thing. I thought to myself. The doctor said I'd be having moodswings for the next few days. Boy was Jordan "excited" for that (Notice da sarcazm). I kissed Payton's forehead. We finally got home. Rose, Star and Amethyst were waiting in front of the garage. They all ran over and hugged us. I think they hugged Jordan waay tighter than they did me (That's not a typo I meant to have 2 A's). "Can we see her?" Amethyst asked. I nodded, then showed them Payton. "Awww!" They all said in sync. "She's so cute!" Said Star. "She's so kawaii!" Said Rose. We all started laughing.

We all went inside and I put the carrier on the table. Adam and Alesa ran down the stairs. "Ty and Maddy said they're on their way to see da baby." Said Adam. I nodded. They both looked at Payton. "She's so cute!" Said Alesa. "Thanks." I said. "Hmmm..." Said Rose. We all looked over at her. "What?" I asked. "I need a creative nickname for Payton." She said. We all burst out laughing. Luckily the baby didn't wake up. "Let's see..." Said Star. "How about..."  We all started thinking. Rose perked up. "COOKIE!" She shouted. We all started laughing. The baby must have been in a deep sleep, because she didn't wake up. 

"Alright then." Said Adam. He looked into the carrier. "Hello Cookie." He said in a deep silly voice. We all cracked up again. "Okay I'm gonna take Payton up to the room." I said. "You mean Cookie." Said Adam in the same voice. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, I'll let you guys do that, I'm gonna call her by her real name." I said. "Whatever you say, Ms. Buzzkill." Said Adam. I ran up the stairs with the carrier as everyone downstairs laughed. 

I put the carrier on the bed and sat down next to it. I felt like crying, but I held to back because I knew he was joking. Jordan walked in. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Just hormone stuff." I said. He nodded. "I know what'll cheer you up." He said. "What?" I asked. He ran over and pinned me to the bed. He began tickling me. "Jordan, stop!" I said. He stopped, then pecked me on the lips. "Love you." He said. "Love you too." I said. I took Payton out of the carrier and put her in her crib. Jordan leaned over my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek as I looked at Payton. "You know, something tells me we're gonna have a great life together." I said. Jordan smiled. "Agreed." 

My Work of Art [A Captainsparklez+Team Crafted FF] *COMPLETED*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin