Why the hell would he bring me here and "show me off" if he was just going to slide his tongue down her throat at the end of it all.
I knew he saw me as nothing more than an object.

"Let's go" Angie whispered to me as I felt her grip on my arm, slowly dragging me away and towards the car.

"Athena.." I heard Parker call out to me but I ignored it. Why would he just embarrass me like that? Oh wait, I know why. Because he's a big time fucking d-bag who doesn't care about anyone else besides himself.

Why the hell am i getting so upset? it's not like I actually liked him.

"Are you Okay?"
Angie brought me out of my thoughts as she held my hand in the car. I honestly don't remember even getting in

"Y-yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I smiled. I knew it was real. It felt like i was saying it more to myself than her.

The way home was quiet. We didn't speak at all to each other, and when she tried, I turned up the music playing, signaling that I did not want to talk at all.

We pulled up to my house the same time another car did, which led me to be curious on who it could be.

That's not Ryder's car, so what the heck?
My questions were answered just as I saw Jamey step out of the car.

"Do you need me to stay?" Angie asked

"It's okay, I got it. I'll see you on Monday okay?"
Angie simply nodded and unlocked the car for me to get out. I stepped out of the car and shut it. Letting her back up and drive away

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, not bothering to step any closer to him as we both stood in the dark, right in front of my house.

"I came to see how you were doing." He stated. His hands were shoved into his varsity jacket and I could see that he had changed out of his uniform.

"Not to be rude, but why?"
He is one of Parker's friends, why would he care to check up on me?

"I noticed that you weren't exactly fond of Parker showing you off, ya know. Since he was with Ashley afterwards."
There he goes, rubbing the back of his neck. But he was slightly bitting his lip which made me wonder what it would be like to feel them. They were so plump and full..
What the hell are you thinking?
One guy at a time athie...
Pshhh.. as if there were even choices...

"I-I'm alright. Thanks" I snapped myself out of my own daydreams

"You just seemed a little bummed. So I wanted to make sure"
He sent me a gentle smile, which made me smile back. He wasn't like them. He was nice and kind. I could tell

"Did you want to come inside?" I gestured to my house in such an awkward position

"Oh umm, there's actually a party that I need to be at. Football stuff. I was wondering if you actually wanted to come with me?.."

Hmmm. A party with the entire football team and possibly school who thinks I'm with Parker Hayze... no thanks

"Ya know.. I'm not so sure. The last time I was at a party, it was yours. And I got drugged and almost raped"
Way to lighten the mood.

"I know. And I've been wanting to apologize for that. It was my party and I'm so sorry. Trust me when I say that those guys were handled."

"What do you mean, handled?" I was almost afraid to ask, especially when I saw that he didn't exactly want to answer
"This silence between us is a good sign" I smiled

"I know" he sighed
"We couldn't let them get away with that. They won't be bothering you anymore... so, party? You don't have to leave my side at all. I'll be with you the entire time."

Hmmm. That sounded fun actually. At least I wouldn't be that loner in the party
"Fine. Can I just go change my shirt please?" I asked

"Wait, I think I can fix that..."


Arriving at the party with Jamey's jersey definitely got me some looks that I was not appreciating.

"Isn't she dating Parker Hayze?"

"What a whore."

"Who could ever blow off Parker?"

"Is she cheating on him?!"

"New girl and she already gets more guys than me"
That one kinda made me laugh

"Homie hopper"

"Why would they go for her?"

All these whispers flew into my ears as I walked through the party, following Jamey. Everyone's eyes were on me as I felt like burying myself into the ground.

"Hey" a voice stood out, I looked up to see Jamey looking deeply into my eyes
"Don't worry. I'll stay with you."
He flashed me a smile as I felt a small tingle on the tips of my fingers. When I looked down I saw that Jamey had snuck his hand in mine.

I studied it for a little while as our fingers intertwined.
It felt weird. Like it wasn't right.
I wasn't supposed to be holding his hand

But at the same time, I couldn't believe it. More guys have noticed me in this fist week of school than ever before in my life.
And what are the odds of getting such high attention. I didn't like it.

Jamey walked me through all the people and sat me down at a round table with the rest of the football players.

"Hey man what's up!" I heard from all around the table. I looked at all of the people and saw that Parker wasn't here. Why?
WHY are you thinking of him??

"Let me go get you a drink!!" Jamey shouts to me over all of the noise. I didn't want to yell back so I just nodded my head and started turning my head around the party.

Everyone was dancing to the beat and moving together. All of the girls and guys dry humped each other as their heads flew back from what I assumed was pleasure


I had never done anything like this. I never dirty danced with anyone. Or kissed anyone, I had only dated one person. And that didn't end up well..

Also, All of the parties at home were small and stupid. The drinks were all cheep and so were the people. Everything about that place sucked.

Here was different. Everything was different. The people, the parties, the school. It made me kinda happy, but also scared. I knew nothing about any of this shit.

"Drink up!" Jamey shouted
When did he get back?

He placed a red solo cup in my hands and started to chug Down his.

Well, can't hurt right?


OOOHHHHH!!!! I feel like Athena is a huge light weight. So I feel like some drama will be stirred up in the next chapter...

The Quarterbacks Kryptonite...  (SEQUEL IS UP) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora