Chapter 13 ~ Surprise

Start from the beginning

After every move Sirius clapped like an obsessed cheerleader cheering on her boyfriend at the football game. Remus on the other hand was situated on a bench taking notes for Sirius to review over after this, so he'd never forgot. All the while Marlene and Lily looked out of the window with light-hearted laughter hanging in the air.

In the past, they dreamed of this. The feeling of security. It was surreal.

Lily and Marlene were dumbfounded when they saw Harry run and jump on Sirius (a surprise attack) making him actually fall! It was quite a sight.


St Patrick's day came, and James, Sirius and Remus partied with old and new friends, while they're wife's and Harry and Neville, had a slumber party. Since James birthday was on the 27th of March, they decided to just celebrate it on St Patrick's day.

Soon Easter rolled around and Harry, Neville and Draco were dressed up as bunnies, running around the Potter Manor back yard, in an attempt to find treats. Lucius was gone for two months on official ministry business, and during times like this, Narcissa and Draco joined the Potters and Blacks.

Everyone loved these moments; they were all together, Sirius had another family member to talk to, Harry had someone else to play with, and Marlene and Sirius were sure the baby loved it.

Draco was gifted with his mother's kindness and brains, but also his father arrogance, and nastiness, that his mother tried so desperately to iron out of him. He could be a nice boy, but his father always tried to ruin that, when he saw glimpses of good characteristics.

An the other hand, the others life's were perfect; Marlene was starting to show now, and Lily was getting quite big. The months rolled around on ragged the other; March, April, June-it was finally the due date!

An anxious Lily was barley able to move, with James fussing over her, and her soon to be toddler convinced that she was carrying a garden gnome- again, curiosity of Sirius Black!

Her baby was due on the the 16th of June, and she couldn't be happier, but as the due date grew closer, she was starting to have doubts...

What if the baby's life is like Harry's, cursed from the beginning? What if she doesn't like Harry? What if Harry doesn't like her?

All normal questions, that everyone has, but still, that one question kept lingering in her mind. It was normal of course, but still, as she thought it, a wave of uncertainty and fear crept silently upon her, only to be pushed back by her barrier, by her protection;James.



"Shush, I will be when I get up these stairs, just let me concentrate." It had been six days until the baby's due date, and James was growing increasingly worried; he kept encouraging Lily to stay in bed, and let him do everything, but Lily being Lily continued to live life normally.

She had been experiencing abnormal pain, like no other; each time herself and James were certain she was going into labour. At last, this was not the case.

For the last two weeks, a healer had been coming to check on Lily and the baby's health, but each time all they could say was, "She'll come when she's ready!"

Harry, who was now practically a toddler, was able to walk around the house on his own and was loving it. While his father was far to busy chasing after Lily, he went on his own adventures. He discovered countless rooms, but the one he most loved was his fathers and Sirius' old rooms; both decorated with the Gryffindor colours, brooms, trophies and cups were displayed proudly on the walls. Pictures of friends and family on the cabinets- it was all breath taking. He didn't know it yet but soon, he'd be having his own real adventures like his father and mother all those years ago.


James grabbed all of Harry's things and packed them in a little suitcase. He ran around the littles boy's room like a mad man, while a dumb-founded Harry sat on the bed staring with his wide green eyes.

James, finally happy with the packing turned to see his darling boy staring at him, with tears in his eyes. Realising how the situation looked, James knelt down to be at Harry's level. He spoke softly saying, "Harry, mummy's going to be at the hospital for the next few days, and I'll have to be there with her, so she isn't lonely. Okay? And a hospital is not a safe place for you, so you'll be going to a lovely family for the next few days, just so mummy can have her baby, okay. Are you alright with that?"

Nodding, the little boy grabbed ahold of James and hugged him deeply. A smile crept on James face; he already had the love of Harry, and soon he was going to have the love of another child. Which he was going to see in a matter of days.

You see, the healer had told James, that if she didn't have the child by the due date, she would need to have it within two weeks, so to ensure that, she would have to be taken into the hospital three days before the time was up. The due date had passed two days ago, so they decided to be admitted early.

James made his way into his room, and kissed his wife of the head and told her to wait patiently in bed, while he picked up Harry's suitcase and took Harry's hand, getting ready to leave.

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