Chapter 4- The news

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Sirius had never ran this fast before in his entire life. The wind whipped through his mane of hair; he almost felt free in a sense, like the air was helping to clear his thoughts. Reassuring.

Memories flashed before his eyes of a time similar to one now; allowing the wind to carry him to his destination, a peculiar thought. Most fight against the wind, whereas he had learnt to be one with nature. A crisp January morning, himself and James raced around Hogwarts in a bid to win 14 galleons. A harrowing task, so early in the morning, but it was the only way Remus and Peter could them them out of bed, considering Gryffindor lost the match the day prior. They didn't win the money, obviously, although they did instead proceed in knocking Lily and Snape over and losing 20 points from Gryffindor. They aimed for Snape, but attempted to push Lily out of the way - not the most carefully.

Lily fell to her knees - not harmed although the same could not be said for her greasy haired companion who was sent flying into oncoming students, parchment flying - it was quite the sight.

Collateral damage.

The aim was always to draw the attention of two girls, which they did successfully succeed in doing. Perhaps not in the way they imaged.


He despised this. Every memory involved that... that rat. He truly ruined the most protecting loving friendship. He would have given anything for Peter - the feelings were obviously not reciprocated. He was on the road now, and had perhaps three minutes left of running.

He couldn't think like this, the only thoughts in his mind was to get to Lily and James and tell them of his latest...encounter. The Order needed to know. The Order needed to track him down. The Order needed to make him pay for the trauma he had caused.

As a no longer drunken Sirius raced down the rest of the road, to where his non-expecting friends, Lily and James had taken residence. The parents had just placed there darling green-eyed baby boy Harry to sleep again peacefully, after finally allowing the sleep to overcome him.

"JAMES, AND MRS LILY POTTER, BOY DO I HAVE NEWS FOF YOU? shouted an ecstatic, and staggering Sirius.

Simultaneously, the parents poked their head down the opening of the stairs. They eyes narrowed, a scowl present on their faces.

Lily could have killed him; James did have to hold her back. In her defence Harry had not properly slept, only taking ten minutes naps. He was terribly tired since that last encounter, (that was meant to be his death) because it had shaken not only himself up, but his parents and all those around him, were tense, which he could sense. Although Lily was all for killing Sirius, she completely forgot about it when she heard the lasted news.

"I'll go and kill him" shouted an angry and aggressive James, who swung a hit, and smashed a pot, causing Lily to flinch. His anger had returned, and Lily feared another episode would return. In truth, he too fought the anger, that day, although now it has reached its boiling point. He was on a role and everyone in the room, was almost certain, James was about to do something drastic, that didn't need to be done. This is why Lily pleaded with him not to go out there and instead call the Order inside, so that the people that are in the right state of mind, and can do their job, probably, which caused a tipsy Sirius, to laugh and then start cheerleading and shouting at James to get out there and fight him, and take down the dirty scum mite that brought pain to his family.

A viscous cycle; never-ending.

It was like that in school - ohh how Lily remembered. The other one would always support the other no matter how idiotic the plan was, they had one another's back. Blessing or Curse?

Lily cut Sirius with the most insulting look she could muster; she should have been used to this; Sirius was always leading James into situations like this, railing him up so he'd go out and fight, and the vice-Versa.

After, a lot of pondering on the situation, James decided instead which plan would be best. He looked at Sirius who had an encouraging face, eager with excitement, and then to his wife, a stern look that spoke a thousands words.

Surprise surprise!

In the end he choose Lily's idea, as he knew the other one was completely drastic, and from the angry glare from Lily which he was now reviving, would make anyone do as there told, even if that was their soul mate.

"Lets gather the Order", and as he looked over at his wife, he already saw she had made a decision, and was calling the order inside, who had all gather on the lawn upon seeing Sirius. He laughed as himself and Sirius sat down on the couch with Harry, and started playing with the little boy who they thought no harm would come to him. Hadn't he suffered enough? That's life though, no one walks through roses without stumbling across some thrones. If they believed so, then they were surely mistaken, because no things in life comes easy. The good things requires work, and the bad unfortunate things come for free.

In the end that showed the good things are worth fighting for; they are the most valuable, that you should never give up. You see for this was only the beginning of terrible road of trouble. Sleep well Harry, for the road for victory is unpredictable...

I know I've rewrote this page again, but I'm still not happy with it, so I'm just going to, make the next page, as long as humanly possible (well, obviously not that long, or you'd be reading this for days!), but either way, I'm working on it!

Now time for the originally "little" authors note!

Hey guys, can't believe I've gotten this far. I know it may only be four chapters in but yeah. Thank you all who taken the time to read my books, without you guys, none of this would be possible.
A big thanks to orla567 mccloskey1604 Briege1993 Alycat3101  
I know this chapter was a filler, but I wanted this done so I could do the next chapter, which will just be me talking about the book, and what happened to Voldemort, which I'm finding hard, as I want to say he was d/efeated badly and won't come back again, but he was the second most powerful dark wizard (Grindleward took over the world without making horcruxes to fall back on, something Voldemort relied on a lot), so it's quite challenging.

Hope your enjoying this book

~ MrsAllAustralianxoxo

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