098 part 2 (lotor X reader)

Start from the beginning

The quintessence in my veins forced me to turn around. I charged towards champion at full speed and swung my sword. Champion slashed at me and I tried to dodge but it hit the same spot on my leg. I looked down to assess the damage and it looked like I was heavily bleeding. My vision became blurry as I fell to the floor

No no no! You fool, you will be punished for this!

Pain coursed through my veins and I shrieked in horror as I clutched my head. The quintessence slowly faded away and I turned back into my normal self. Champion observed me and whispered into my ear.

"I'm sorry."

He held his sword up as more pain erupted through my body.

"STOP! champion has won the duel."

Two guards dragged me out and back to my cell where Hagar was waiting for me.

"Leave us alone."

The guards exited and I looked up at Hagar weakly.


She cackled and cast a spell on my body.


I woke up screaming and crying. I was shaking and I couldn't breath at all. Seconds later Lotor came rushing in.

"(Y/n), (y/n) what happend?!"

I couldn't speak breathe or see because my vision was blurred by tears. Lotor understood I was having a panic attack and rushed to me pulling me into an embrace.

"Talk to me when your ready princess."

I nodded and tried to put my focus into Lotors embrace and not the flashback. Afree a couple of minutes I felt more calm and steady.

"I had a flashback."

"What was it about, if I may ask."

"I was in the arena fighting champion, i lost and Hagar punished me."

Lotor tensed up at the word champion.

"Lotor, did you know champion?"

"Yes, he now pilots the black lion of voltron."


"Yes darling, I'll tell you the story tomorrow but I think you need your rest tonight."

"I don't think I can rest tonight."

"Why is that?"

"I might get another flashback."

"Do you want me to stay with you."

I nodded and looked up at Lotor. He smiled and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Come on let's lay down."

I smiled and Lotor helped me to lay down. I looked into Lotors eyes and he ran his fingers through my hair, helping me to relax.

"Goodnight princess."

"Goodnight Lotor."

Drowsiness took over both of us and we fell asleep in each others arms.


1 year later

I woke up in me and Lotors shared bed. I looked over to see Lotor out of bed and looking out of the window. I walked up to Lotor and hugged him from behind.


"Morning princess."

Lotor turned around and gently pressed his lips to mine. I kissed back and Lotor put his hands around my waist. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his.

"Did you have any dreams darling?"

I shook my head and Lotor smiled.

"You haven't had a flashback in a month."

"About what?"

You looked at Lotor puzzled and he smiled.

"About your past."

"What about it?"

Lotor smiled.

"Let me tell you a story, a story about Voltron, the legendary defender."

Hope yall enjoyed

Fun fact

My pinky fell asleep while I was writing this oof

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