10 ; 1964 // EPILOGUE

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um look at how beautiful river is hh

um look at how beautiful river is hh

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"First day of senior year. How crazy is that?" Gordie exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's pretty crazy!"

Gordie couldn't keep down his excitement. Yes, he was ecstatic about being a senior, but there was something else that had him hyped up.

"You're acting strange, kid," Chris pointed out.

"Do you think Rose would like you with long hair?"

"Why even ask? I sent her a polaroid. She loves it."

"Just wondering."

"Why did you ask about Rose?"

"I don't know," Gordie scoffed. "I don't know. I just think, you know, you must really miss her. A long distance relationship must be hard. You're eighteen now and we were twelve last time we saw her!"

"Rose and I were thirteen, you were twelve," Chris corrected him.

"Whatever! Same thing! That was 1959. It's 1964. It's crazy to me how you two could carry on a relationship for so long without seeing each other. It must suck."

"It does, yeah, but we love each other. The distance only makes us stronger. When we reunite, it'll be a glorious day. All those letters and calls were worth it, cause at least she will be back in my arms soon."

Gordie kept his eyes out for a blue Bel Air. A few nights ago, Rose called him making him promise not to tell Chris that she was coming back for good. Rose wanted to surprise Chris. It was hard for Gordie, but he kept on pushing.

"I think that's really sweet. I can't wait until I find someone like that. I remember thinking Laura was the one..."

"Oh, Laura," Chris muttered. "Laura was truly something."

"Toxic, man. She tried telling me I couldn't have friends that were girls and tried saying you and I can't be friends! Remember when she popped my tires? That was wild."

"I'm glad you got away from that."

Gordie found the Bel Air. Rose got out. She was still tall like she was when they were kids.

"I think you'll see Rose really soon. Like, really soon. I don't think you're gonna have to wait until after high school."

"What makes you think that?"

Before Gordie could answer, Rose was already screaming at the top of her lungs and running towards Chris.

"Rose? Holy shit!"

Chris stood up, his arms outstretched. Rose jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist, knocking them both onto the grass. Rose pressed her lips against Chris' soft plump ones, her hands tugging his long hair softly.

Chris pulled away and grinned at her.

"I-" Rose pecked his lips quickly. "Missed-" Rose kissed him again, making Gordie laugh.

"I missed you," she sighed.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you!"

"People are staring at us but I don't care."

"Me neither, Rosie."

"I could stay here all day. I've missed you so much!"

"Okay, okay, that's enough. Get off him, Rose, it's my turn!" Gordie declared.

"You want a kiss from Rosie too?" Chris joked.

"No, a hug!"

Rose helped Chris onto his feet. Gordie hugged Rose, spinning her around. "How has Washington been?"

Rose adjusted her skirt after Gordie set her down. "It's been fine. Where's Vern and Teddy?"

Gordie was quiet. Chris pointed across the schoolyard at Vern, his arm around a blonde girl.

"Wow, he looks so different! Where's Teddy?"

"He'll probably be late. He always is on the first day. He has been for the past few years," Gordie explained.

"Oh," Rose muttered. "Well, I'll see him later then. But for now, let's go get schedules!"

Rose wrapped both of her arms around Chris, leaning her head on his shoulder. "After school, we should go back to mine. You can meet my aunt and uncle! They're great people, Chris. They love you and I know you'll love them. And after, we can go to the tree house. I remember you mentioning in a letter that you haven't been there in awhile. I think it'd be nice to visit it again!"

Chris smirked. "It's really good to have you back. You still are the prettiest girl in Oregon."

"Just Oregon?"

"The whole world, Rosie."

Rose and Chris kissed once again, happy to be back in each other's lives. Rose was ready to spend the rest of her days with Chris, starting with their last year of high school.

sorry this is a crappy ending. i just wanted things to end on a good note since they both end up meeting their demises. anyway, i enjoyed writing this story so much. and i hope you guys enjoyed reading it. i'm gonna go back to writing my other fanfiction now. thank u guys <3

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