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why do i title these chapters like damn fall out boy songs asdlkfjas

The tension from the earlier events had left the group by the time they reached the tracks

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The tension from the earlier events had left the group by the time they reached the tracks. Although Rose was now calm, the boys decided it was best to leave her be until she said something.

Rose watched Vern and Teddy sing a Chordettes song that was currently playing. The boys imitated the popping sound by putting their finger in their mouth and quickly pulling it out.

"Junior High. You know what that means," Rose heard Chris say to Gordie. "We'll all be split up."

"What are you talking about? Why would that happen?" asked Gordie.

"It's not gonna be like grammar school, that's why. You'll be taking your college courses and me, Teddy, and Vern will be in the shop courses. I bet Rose will be right there with you. But me, Teddy, and Vern will be stuck with the dumb kids making ashtrays and birdhouses. You two are gonna meet a lot of new guys. Smart guys."

"Meet a lot of pussies is what you mean."

"No man, don't think that. Don't say that."

"I'm gonna meet a lot of pussies, forget it."

"Then you're an asshole!" Chris snapped.

"What's asshole about wanting to be with your friends?"

"It's asshole if your friends drag you down! You hang with us, you'll be another wise guy with shit for brains."

Rose's heart ached. She knew if anyone would be with Gordie in college classes, it'd be Chris. Rose didn't know why Chris would think it'd be her. She had dyslexia and only knew a lot about things she enjoyed, not about subjects she thought were boring.

"You could be a real writer someday, Gordie!"

"Fuck writing. I don't wanna be a writer. It's stupid. It's a stupid waste of time!" Gordie lied.

"That's your dad talking."


"Bulltrue! I know how your dad feels about you, Gordie. He doesn't give a shit about you! It was Denny he cared about and don't try to tell me different. You're just a kid."

"Gee, thanks dad!"

"Wish the hell I was your dad," said Chris. "You wouldn't go around talking about taking these stupid shop courses if I was. It's like God gave you something, man. All these stories you can make up. And he said: this is what we got for you, kid. Try not to lose it. But kids lose everything unless there's someone there to look after them. And if your parents are too fucked up to do it, then maybe I should!"

"Catch up, you guys!" Vern yelled, startling Rose.

"Yeah, by the time we get there the kid won't be dead anymore!"

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