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while writing this, i was listening to my spotify playlist of love songs and i wanna be yours by arctic monkeys came on! i dedicate that tune to rosie and chris <3 also i took a break halfway through to rewatch the movie. and yeah i cried... what about it?

After debating whether Goofy was a dog or not, everyone grew tired and decided to go to sleep

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After debating whether Goofy was a dog or not, everyone grew tired and decided to go to sleep. Rose laid on her blanket and stared up into the sky. She couldn't sleep since Teddy was keeping watch. Every now and then, he'd mutter something, making the boys complain and shout at him. Once she finally started to doze off, Vern shook her awake.


"It's your turn to keep watch," he said, handing over the gun. Rose raised up and took it from him.


"Are you not cold? You don't have a blanket."

"The air feels nice."

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier..."

Rose gave him a reassuring smile along with a pat on the back. "It's no worries. Go back to sleep."

Rose got up and headed towards the tree and sat down. She set down the gun, digging into her pants for her pack of cigarettes. She lit it up and inhaled deeply. Rose felt at peace. Being away from her family made Rose happy, and having Chris by her side made things ten times better.

Rose spun around hearing a shuffling sound. Chris was getting out of his sleeping bag and walking towards Rose. He sat next to her, bringing his knees to his chest.

"Can't sleep?" she asked.

"Not really," Chris yawned. He took the cigarette Rose held out and took a puff.

"Yeah, me neither."

Rose fumbled with the ribbon around her neck. It itched bad and she wanted nothing more than to rip it off and throw it in the fire.

"You can take that off. No one's gonna say anything," Chris told her.

Rose nodded and pulled it out of the bow. She dropped it onto the dirt, using her foot to push it down.

"It looks better. It shouldn't leave a scar. I'm glad."

Rose nodded. "Thanks, Chris," she said.

"For what?"

"That day. When you helped me. I appreciate it."

"I'm your friend. Of course I'm gonna help you," Chris stated with a wide grin. Rose's eyes flickered between his eyes and his cigarette.

"We're a match made in Heaven, Chambers," she whispered.

Chris put out his cigarette, rubbing his hands together nervously. "You really think so?"

"I know so."

They sat there in silence for a minute. Crickets and the crackling of the somewhat dying fire was the only thing that could be heard, besides Vern's obnoxious snoring.

"I never gave a definite answer to your question earlier. Y'know, when you asked what we are."


"Because I don't know either," Rose admitted. "I know we are kinda a thing but I don't know our label."

"We can talk about that once we're back in town," said Chris. Rose bobbed her head up and down in agreement.

"Yeah, I think that'll be good."

"But I want to try something first..."

"What?" she inquired.

Chris scooted closer to Rose, bringing his left hand up to lift up her chin. He leaned forward and set his lips on hers. Rose gripped his shirt tightly. The kiss was short since it was their first one and they're inexperienced. Rose's cheeks flushed a light pink color after they pulled away.

"Wow," Chris mumbled.

"Tell me about it."

Chris placed a hand over hers, Rose lacing her fingers with his.

"Why can't you sleep, Rose?"

"I'm afraid."

"I'm right here. I can watch you; I'll keep you safe."

Rose furrowed her eyebrows in thought.

"I keep thinking my dad's gonna jump out the bushes... and he'll hurt all of us, not just me."

Chris gave Rose a quick peck on the lips. "You can sleep. Okay? I'll make sure you're not messed with. Gordie and I got it."

"But I'm keeping watch right now," Rose insisted.

"I can take over from here."

Rose gave him a hug, taking this time to take in his scent. Chris smelled of Winstons, sweat, and laundry detergent. It became her favorite smell in the world. She kissed him for the third time that night, standing up to go sleep. Rose slept all through the night. She dreamt of Chris and spending the rest of her life with him.


Rose woke up to Chris shaking her.

"How did you sleep through the freight?" he asked.


"A train passed and you slept right through it!"

Rose stretched once she got to her feet. "Who knows," she yawned.

Gordie was the first to notice that her ribbon was gone. He furrowed his brows at the healing cut, wondering what had happened. He assumed it was her dad who did it.

The group gathered a bunch of berries, using their shirts to hold them.

"Jeez, Gordie. Why couldn't you get some breakfast stuff like twinkies and root beer?" Vern complained.

"Since when was root beer considered breakfast?" Rose scoffed.

"Well, I have root beer in the mornings. And twinkies. Gordie, where are the twinkies?"

"Sorry, Vern. I guess a more experienced shopper could have gotten more for your seven cents."

Rose accidentally dropped her berries all over the ground. "Ah, shit!"

Teddy and Vern busted out laughing. "Oh shit, Rosie! You've done it! You dropped your breakfast, now what will you eat?"

"Oh, go choke on a fat one, Duchamp," she groaned.

"I'm not flexible!"

"Your dick is microscopic."

Everyone but Teddy laughed at Rose's comment.

"She got you, Teddy!" Vern exclaimed.

"Can you beat that?"

"That was so good, Rosie. Skin it!"

Rose slid her hand over Chris' and looked up at Teddy. "What Gordie said... can you beat that?"

A smirk grew on her face when his shoulders slumped. "Gee, I got nothing!"

"That's what I thought," Rose declared proudly.

rosie's friendship with the others is so sweet !!!

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