Chapter 2

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"Noah, can you please take care of your sister tonight."

Yeah, that's how my Thursday nights usually are, taking care of my 6 year old sister. My dad works nights, he does paperwork and cleans up everything for the following day.

I nodded. "Yeah, of course pops." He gave me a small smile before heading out.

I heard him open the door, but not before shouting out how much he loves Isabella, my sister.

My dad's rarely home, he's either working all day and night, or at a bar. My mom? Well she passed away a couple years ago, why do you think my dad goes to the bar? To drink his life away.

He never really moved on, which is pretty understanding. But sometimes it feels like he forgets he has his own kids at home, he'll be fine soon, I hope.

I heard footsteps running down the hall, I let out a huge smile, Isabella was on her way to my room.

"Noah! Can you buy me ice cream?" Isabella yelled out as she barges in my room.

"Of course, cookie dough right?"

"Yes!" Her giggles rang through my ears, I love that sound.

As we both got ready to go to the ice cream parlor, I got a text.


Kickback at Jackie's, I'll pick you up in 20.

I rolled my eyes and sent him a quick text saying I couldn't.

Leo is my best pal, we played baseball together since we were 6. He's very different from me, nobody would've guessed that we were best friends.

He's loud, cocky and outgoing. Me? Definitely not loud, I usually just keep to myself. You'll only see me crazy like him when i'm drunk, which is rare.

"Let's go!" Next thing I know, Isabella is literally pulling me outside.

I chuckled. "Calm down princess!"

I made sure to lock the front door, We both made our way to my car when I saw our neighbors.

"Hi Noah! Do you mind if Isabella can come over for a play date?" Darcy, my neighbor asked.

Darcy had a daughter, who just so happens to be best friends with Isabella. They're always hanging out, she has more of a social life than me, crazy..

I looked down at Isabella, she was already running towards the neighbor's house.

I sigh and gave Darcy a smile. "I'll pick her up around 10 if that's okay?" I said.

Darcy gave me a thumbs up and went inside her house with my sister.

I pulled out my phone, guess I'll be going to that bonfire after all.

"Bro, she totally wants me! She gave me a smile and everything!" Leo handed me a drink, we were currently sitting around this fire pit.

He was going on and on about Jackie, she was apart of our friend group. She's very well known around this town, popular is the word.

Leo has had a crush on her since freshman year of high school. We're 19 now, that's 6 years.

"Go talk to her then, stop being a wuss." I patted his back.

"I won't take your advice until you get a girlfriend." Leo gave me a look, then glanced at the blonde that was next to Jackie.

Christine, Jackie's best friend, she's also part of our group. I don't really talk to her but Leo swears she has a thing for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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