Chapter 1

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"I cannot believe you! Do you know how embarrassing it is to have my own daughter on the cover of not one, but several other newspapers?!" My father yelled once again.

Geez, you wild out once and it's suddenly a crime. I'm 19 years old for crying out, I'm supposed to wild out anyways!

But of course since my father is the richest man in South California, I can't live out my life as a normal human being. Cry me a river dad!

I rolled my eyes, I could care less for what this man has to say. It's obvious that he only cared about one thing; his reputation.

"Hey! Don't you roll your eyes at me, young lady!" He yelled once again, my head started pounding. Hangovers are the worst, especially if somebody is yelling at you.

I glanced at his bodyguards, who were standing by my bedroom door. Jackson has been my bodyguard since I was a little girl, he's always there for me when my father wasn't.

I read his facial expression when we locked eyes, he was disappointed. I looked away quickly, I hated seeing people I care about upset at me. I know deep down inside I care about my dad as well, but he hasn't exactly been father of the year since my mom passed away.

She passed away from cancer when I was 11, nearly ten years ago. Not only did that take a tool on me, but also my father.

They were each other's first loves, he'd look at her with so much love and I admired that growing up. But once she left us, his eyes stopped glistening and started to fill with hatred. I remember telling him that and he refused to continue the conversation. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw my dad walking out of my room. "Wait!" I shouted.

"Can you put 200$ in my account today? I'm going shopping later with Monica." I casually said before going under the covers again.

I heard chuckle sourly, that didn't sound good. "Sweetheart if you think I'm gonna give you anymore money, you thought wrong. Get a job." He snapped before walking out of my room.

I wonder how long it's going to take for my hangover to go away, usually I take pills but—

GET A JOB? Did my father just tell me to get a job? I'm not getting money anymore? I'm broke? What the hell?

I jumped out bed and ran out of my room. There my dad was leaning against the wall with a stupid smirk across his irritating face.

"Did you just tell me to get a job? You're a billionaire for crying out loud! Why do I need a freaking— I can't even say it." I gagged.

He cursed under his breath, he pulled out my wallet from behind him. Oh so now we stealing purses? We really gonna do that now dad?

He started taking all of my credit cards, I gasped and cringed with every card he took out. "Jackson." He said.

Jackson gave him scissors, oh my god no! God please don't let him cut up my cards!

The second he cut them in half, I gasped once again. My cards, my money, my life have just been cut. What am I supposed to do now?

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