First Day - Part One

Start from the beginning

"Oh! Sorry! Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Sorry!" I looked up quickly then looked away in, again, embarrassment. Another boy. 'Way to go, Artemis. Keep this up, you'll be sure to be single for the rest of your time here.'

"No, it was my fault. I was in a hurry. I wasn't looking where I was going." The boy smiled. He was handsome, with thick dark hair, light eyes and a soft face. He held out his hand. "I'm Matt."

I clasped his hand and shook. "Missy" I decided to skip the strange name game this time.

"Well, I don't mean to hit and run, but I need to get going. Maybe we'll run into each other again?" Without waiting for an answer, he turned his back on me and hurried away.

"Ok." I said to Noone in particular. 'Well this is turning into an eventful day...' I thought. Shaking it off, I looked at my map again and went to look for my history class.


It was twenty minutes later and I must've circled the school half a dozen times and I couldn't find the damn history room. I checked my cell phone. 8:27am. Great. I was going to be late. The warning bell rang suddenly, making me nearly jump out of my skin. Stopping a random group of girls, I asked them where my class was, but they weren't sure, being freshmen and relatively new themselves.

"I think its down in the science wing." A short freckled girl pipped in. Seeing as that was my best bet, I thanked her and made my way to the science wing, checking my phone repeatedly. 8:30am. The bell rang.

"Ugh!" I growled to myself. 'I get to school early and still manage to be late to class.' I ran the rest of my way until I came to the science wing. I stalked past open doors where classes were in session and could overhear teachers explaining the syllabus to the students. Room 214. Room 216. Room 218. 'Finally.' I thought, adjusting my binder in my arms and then silently slipping in to the room, hoping to go unnoticed. No such luck.

"Your must be Miss McCob. Students, Miss McCob is our newest addition to Beacon Hills. I expect you'll make her feel welcome. Miss McCob, if you'd please take a seat beside Mr. Wittemore, class can begin." The teacher waved me toward a seat in the back beside who I assumed must be "Mr. Wittemore".

He was attractive, with immaculate hair, a button down shirt with a few top buttons open to reveal the beginning of a flawless chiseled chest, and a strong jawline. His light grey/blue eyes weren't bad to look at either. I prayed that I looked half decent and began my approach.

"Hey." I looked to my left to see Stiles in the seat directly in front of mine. He was grinning up at me and his expression reminded me of an over excited cockerdoodle (a hyper active breed of dog for those of you unfamiliar with the name).

"Hey." I smiled and slid into my seat, fully aware of all eyes on me, including Mr. Wittemore's. I felt my cheeks begin to flame, so I quickly propped my cheek in my right hand and rested my elbow on my desk as casually as possible to shield my face from the boy on my left.

The teacher cleared his throat and began handing out slips of papers and explained that our parents were to sign them and we were to turn them back in by Friday. All the while, I could feel Wittemore's eyes on me, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and my stomach do somersaults. Suddenly a small crumpled up piece of paper landed on my desk. Looking around, I quickly smoothed it out and read:

'Hey, I'm bored. So let's play 20 questions.

1. Where did you just move from?


I looked up to see Stiles peeking over his shoulder at me. He caught my eye and smiled, but his smile faltered and he whipped around to the front when something, or someone on my left caught his eye. I chanced a glance to the left to see Wittemore glaring daggers into the back of Stiles' head.

'Ok. Seattle, Wash.

1. Who is this Wittemore kid? And why does he seem to hate you?'

I slipped the paper down the collar of Stiles' shirt, eliciting a cross between a yelp and a squeal from him. The teacher stopped and gave Stiles a look that could kill.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Stilinski?"

Stiles' reached his arm behind him, pretending to stretch and retrieving the note, said casually, "Sorry, I make baby dinosaur noises when I stretch. Please, continue."

There were a few sniggers and giggles, but the teacher just rolled his eyes and continued his lecture. I had to bite my knuckles to keep from bursting out in a fit of laughter, but I managed. Stiles' tossed the note back a few moments later.

'First, that counts as two questions. Second, down my shirt? Really?! Third, that's Jackson. He and I don't always see eye to eye. And he's really not the best person to be around. Now, my turn. I'm gunna ask two. What's your favorite color? And, do you have a boyfriend?'

'Deep forest green. And no. Why? ' I gently tossed the note over Stiles' shoulder and waited. I could not believe how the class wasn't all unconscious. This teacher seemed to drone on and on. Again, I propped my head in my hands and stared at the clock.

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