Chapter 1- The Cat's Pajamas

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               The  day my favourite coffee shop, The Cat's Pajamas closed, I had a breakdown. Coffee and Tea are key parts to life, they are capitalised every time I text anyone about it. When the Cat's Pajamas closed, a new coffee shop opened up named birch wood, that was a bad day. I figured it was my beloved coffee shop with a different, more stupid name, but they made the most putrescent coffee I've ever tasted, and I've drank at least 5,000,000 cups of coffee. And 5,000,000 cups of tea. That day will haunt my nightmares. But today may have been worse. Coming from a chaotic neutral person, as in I work for both T.I.M.E (The inner mind's eye) and F.H.L (fallen hero league) which hate each other. But I don't like being controlled, I want to choose which side I want to be on. I want to burn my own bridges and rebuild them. I want to set my own fires and put them out. I want to be free. Of course most people who want this have terrible childhoods but mine was really good. I just like choosing what side I'm on. Getting back on topic, when my Coffee shop closed, I had drank so much coffee and had so little to eat that it mostly consisted of me on the ground shaking and speaking French. Today I walked into F.H.L HQ with my cup of earl grey Tea and The cat's Pajamas shirt with leggings, a long rain coat (I quite recommend it my favourite thing to do is to run around in it and talk very fast in multiple different languages) and welly boots, sat down at my extremely messy desk, put on glasses that I don't need, put in a pair of headphones and listened to an album, scanned files, and my stupid boss told me to go into his office. A stupid stupid stupid stupid rule. STUPID.

"Lennox, please sit down." Adam told me. And he told me the new rule. I have to get MARRIED because I am under the age of twenty-five years. I DO NOT WANT TO MARRY. EVER. What young adult who has a whole life ahead of her want to settle down. AND I CAN'T EVEN COMPLETELY SETTLE DOWN SINCE I HAVE A JOB, AT TWO DIFFERENT AGENCIES. Sometimes I don't understand Adam. He's the stupid, annoying, and quite frankly, ugly boss of mine. I can't stand him.

"C'est la chose la plus ridicule que j'ai jamais entendue! Oh I'm sorry YOU CAN ONLY SPEAK ENGLISH YOU BLOODY LOW-LIFE. I MEANT THAT'S THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I'VE EVER HEARD." I stood up and screamed at him. Here I am thinking about this at about ten o'clock at night wondering how I'm not jobless. Probably because I am one of the best agents.

"Lennox, this is not my decision, it's my father's."

"Oh shut up, you know that anything he says is bull crap!"

"Lennox, I would advise you to keep your voice down." Adam whispered.

So the rest of the day was good, except I HAVE TO MARRY SOMEBODY FROM THE AGENCY. I ate lunch and said hi to the front desk woman. I HAVE TO MARRY SOMEBODY. Then I came home and made myself some decaf Coffee and here I am sitting on my couch, watching telly and eating Ice Cream.

Marriage. What a horrible thing. Tying yourself to a human and not being able to escape, you'd better fall deeply in love to actually get married. If I was going to get married to anything (human or non) it'd be The Cat's Pajamas, God I miss that lovely place. I look to the folders given to me through the letter-way. It's a list of people I have to choose from to marry. Four files surround me.

Choice 1: Johnathan Signa- age 25

Choice 2: Matthew Rin- age 26

Choice 3: Wallace Holt- age 23

Choice four is something I choose to glance at and close shut. Something that nobody wants to see. But it's the only choice that makes sense.

I will have to choose Adam.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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