Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Blizzard's Battle Cry

Start from the beginning

His lips parted, flakes of snow covering his blond hair, building on his shoulders covered by his black cloak, "I know."

"Then, please," I begged, "Don't."

His brows knitted together, his lips parting. He reached out, taking my hand in his and then he did the simplest thing, sending a rush of hope surging through me, he winked. Yanking me to my feet, he flipped around to find Greyson standing directly behind him. Greed gave me a small smile and I knew, they were on my side.

Pride held me against his chest as he pulled a long, coiled, black whip from his belt, snapping it, causing me to jump. It flicked through the air, wrapping around Gluttony's neck, he gave it a strong pull and Gluttony was yanked to the ground. Greed tossed several throwing stars that spun towards Wrath, who was slashing at Illius. His head snapped to the side as if he could hear the stars buzzing over the storm. He whirled, moving his heavy sword with unbelievable speed as he blocked them.

His blazing, orange eyes peered over the blade as it fell to the ice beneath him, "Traitors!" He snarled.

Illius dug one of his daggers into Wrath's shoulder, who let out a cry of pain. Illius' blue eyes met mine, filling with a sudden warmth. I gasped as Lust appeared behind him, sword raised, "Illius, watch out!" I cried.

He spun around, blocking Lust's swing with his own. I was suddenly yanked around by Pride who was now wrapping the end of his whip around Sloth's waist. Sloth's eyes were wide as they met Preston's, "Pride!" Sloth shouted just before Preston yanked the whip, sending the sin flying across the ice.

There was the sudden sound of beating wings and our eyes fled to the sky. White feathers sent a rush of panic running through me. One after another, angels landed around us, surrounding Pride, who cradled me protectively in his arms.

Their holy swords shined, reflecting light even through the blizzard raging around us. My hand fled to the dagger tucked at my hip and my heart clenched as a red head of hair stepped between the group of battle-ready angels.

"Ava!" Amber cried, rushing towards me. I pulled from Pride's grasp and threw my arms around my aunt's neck, "Thank the angels you're alive." She breathed. Her eyes slipped to Pride and they narrowed, "Get away from my niece!" She pulled me away from him.

"No, Amber," My urgent eyes met hers, "He's a friend, he is on our side."

Her wide orbs fell to Pride's stormy gray ones, "It's true. I would protect Ava with my life," Pride vowed.

The angels around us were gradually engaging in battle as enraged sins attacked. I caught a glimpse of Luis who stood on the top of a smooth berg of ice, a bow poised in his hands. He released an arrow that sailed through the air, burying itself into the chest of an angel.

My chest tightened, "Stay behind me!" Amber shouted to me as she drew out her own holy sword from its sheath. She rolled her shoulders and her brilliantly beautiful, white wings spread from her back, raising in front of me to protect me from advancing enemies.

Morana stood beside Luis, watching the battle rage below. There were too many angels, the sins were becoming overwhelmed. West and Illius were merciless as they brought the sins to their knees.

Her voice cracked through the blizzard like a trumpet, "To battle!" She commanded.

The ice beneath my feet rumbled and the clashing of holy swords ceased as we turned towards the north. Advancing from the Crystal Castle was an army of hundreds of grotesque creatures. Goblins, I realized as I took in their balding heads and scaly skin with rabidly reptilian eyes, flicking, forked tongues drawing out of their dry mouths.

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