The Waitress

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Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

-Xavier Rossi-

"Daddy can we go and eat I'm starving!"

My little princess.She is my little ball sunshine.Ugh!I sound like bloody Nickolas!I focus on the road while Angel (My Daughter),Marco,Lilly keeps on bugging me to stop driving so we can get some food.But I have things to do and places to be.

Looking at Angel,I see her pouting. How can I say no to that face?

"Fine But we have to be quick!"I growl.
spreco del mio tempo! (Waste of my time)

I harshly stop the car and climb out so I could help Angel.
The cafe was decent,not like the fancy restaurant I go to but it'll do.We enter the cafe only to be met by silence.

-Lauren Francis-

When I ear the door bell ring signalling that a costumer has entered,I turn around to see who it is.
Oh jheeze. There was a gorgeous man who was followed by I'm guessing his friends.

"OMG!The Blonde is so hot Laur."Says Ryan.

You must be wondering what am I doing and who the hell am I!Well my name is Lauren Francis and I'm a simply,boring 17 year old.I live with my little brother (Teddy).We haven't had the easiest life however we'll manage.We always have.You see about 3 months away we runaway from our abusive mother who doesn't even deserve that title.
And Ryan is one of my closest friends,we joke around a lot.We like making each other laugh that's probably why we get along so well.


One thing about Ryan is that he hates being ignored.

"Yes Ry I am and stop eye raping him."

"So who's going to take their order?" asked Ryan,

"It's your turn!"

Ryan then scoffs and walks towards their table.I then walk behind the counter to wipe it's surface.

-Xavier Rossi-

"Welcome to Expresso cafe,What can I get you?"

I glance at the waiter who seems to be looking fondly at John.Which made him blush?Kinda odd.Iclear my throat to get his attention. stupido idiota! (Stupid idiot)

"I'll have a coffee."

"A bagel"

"Ice coffee with a blueberry muffin."

When we all say our orders,the waiter goes off.
I go on my phone to answer some emails as I can't be at my office because of some people and their f*cking hunger.Not long after,the boy comes back with our orders.

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