His Type Of Girl

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"Kazunari-kun?" You called out to him when you notice that he isnt in his usual self, He blink before laughing "Mou, Seriously what is happening to you?"

You two accidentally bump into each other, Its one of your off but as usual for Midorima even if he is on off too just one call from his work, he will be there... no question ask.

"No, I just cant believe it"

You blink "believe what?"

"I mean Shin-chan always complain about me being annoying all the time"

"Arent you?" You snicker and made a hurt expression "Im kidding!" You giggle

"Arent you the same?" He act sulkly but laugh "But back to the topic, I mean Shin-chan has no room for enjoyment and doesnt really want to be troubled about... To the point that his type is a girl who is older than him. That's why Im really happy that everything is fine and you are happy too—both happy"

You gave him a warm smile "Im really happy and that is thanks to you"

He ruffles your hair and laugh "Why are we so serious? Its not like 'us' anymore"

And you laugh. He is really the best bestfriend


"Midorima-kun?" You knock but notice the door was locked, so you use the spare key that he gave you.

He usually came home late reason why he always skip a night meal and of course its bad for his health and you just dont believe at his words when he say that he already eat back at work, that's why when you came home early from your work, you cook for him and bring it to him, or leave it in the fridge with a sticky notes.

As you open the fridge you notice the chocolates and foods on it. Some chocolate has a letter of appreciation there and of course—letter of admiration too.

Its nothing new to you, of course...even back before. You get one box of it and start eating the chocolate while seating in the sofa, its still early and He wont mind if you get just a box of it, does he? Afterall, there are still a lot of it in the fridge.

You just eat remembering what Takao says earlier, You knew that you isnt his type of his girl and that never been a problem but he is right, a mature one would be more better for him afterall he is such a mom— and a person who is a worry wart and hate being troubled, someone who is prim and proper is the best choice.

But in the end, that is your thing. Of course, teasing and annoying him is always fun. Its like in this relationship, your the troublemaker and he is the one who will fix those, afterall he is mature... and who always has a solution in everything, who understand you...

You cant help but wonder what if he has a girlfriend who is like his type? Would it be a perfect match? Full of understanding and peaceful?

You just sigh and continue eating the bland taste chocolate.

On the other hand, Midorima who is busy checking the patients for the last time recieve weird text from you consisting stickers

Midorima cant help creased his forehead "Drunk...?" He cant help but utter, afterall you have a habit of that for some reason.

'Where are you?' He texted you but only to get a Tongue stick out sticker as a reply.

"This...woman..." He look around and as he see a nurse he talk to her and ask her for a favor if she can check the remaining ones on the list because 'something happen' and being asked for the first time for a favor by Midorima is something besides checking the patients isnt even his duty.

Midorima leaves as soon as he excuse himself, gladly a gps always come in handy—But to his surprise you are only on his apartment.

And a realization hits him. Why did he forget to remove the alcohol contain chocolates at the refrigerator last night

As soon as he arrive at the apartment, he notice the door that is left unlock, he cant help but be annoyed. How many times did he say to you that you need to be self aware and dont forget to lock the doors

He enter and he see you still eating the chocolate while spamming him doz—hundreds of stickers.

"Seriously...(Last Name)" You look at him and you already know what will happen next

Scolding takes it place once again, but because you're pretty drunk you started sulking and having a heated argument with him. Alcohol pushes your feeling out of your mouth.

"I bet you are wishing right now that you have someone mature and wont cause you a trouble like this!" You started sobbing

"What...?" Midorima was taken a back

"I bet you dont even like me a tad bit, im whiney, annoying and all the traits you hate. Im far from your type of girl" You continue as you pushes back Midorima's hand who wanted to comfort you or calm you for a sudden outburst "See, I am causing trouble for you again!"

When Midorima caught both of your arm, He pull you through a hug. Hushing you while he his run through your hair again and again giving comfort.

"(First Name), Yes you are troublesome and  maybe a tad bit annoying at times but I love you just the way you are. With you around everyday never been boring in fact it was full of bliss and enjoyful. I was scolding you because I cared, what if something happens to you while Im gone? I was like that even before, arent I?" You hummed and hug him tight "My type of girl been change since you came to my life. It became you. My type of girl is (Full Name)"

You sniff "Welcome home..." he hug you back and hear him chuckle a little

"Im home." he say in sweet soothing voice only you can hear

Luckiest (Midorima Shintarou x Reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora