Isnt Your Type

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'Cancers are very lucky today! Besides being ranked 1st, you might find a special someone! If you are already in a relationship, it'll get much better! Your lucky item today is a Hairpin!"

Midorima sigh, He is glad to know that Cancer is rank number one again but not on the other one though, because he isnt interested in any kind of relationship right now because even if he didnt admit it, he was 'happy' that everything is back to normal.

He stood up, trying to find some hairpin from his younger sister's kit (With her permission, of course).

While you on the other hand, is having a worst day of your life. You have tons of school work reason for your lack of sleep and while you are walking...a cat suddenly jump on your head and run with your hair tie.

You love you (Hair length) (Hair color) hair but your not comfortable-especially when you are doing something to focus on-that your hair always covering your eye/vision.

But Gladly your day end up good, you are able to focus on your school that day, and able to make out alive.

You are fixing your things when you receive a text message from Takao-Your bestfriend to come because why not. You laugh because he was still the same ol'.

As soon as you finish, you go straight at the basketball gym, to see player working harder because Interhigh is coming soon. You just quietly watch and notice a green haired person because of his weird hair color and because he is easily get noticed by his height too.

Did he dye it? Is it even allowed in basketball team?, you ask yourself. You also notice your bestfriend beside him who looks like he was having fun but the green haired looks like he was started to get annoyed.

You wait and watch until they are finish and as soon as the practice end, Takao notice you and run to your direction "You did come, (First Name)-chan"

"Well, I dont have anything to do anyway and I already quit (Your club)"

"Pfft, but your hair isnt going to be, that is for sure!" He laugh while pointing at your messy hair and you hurriedly fix your hair "I dont know that studying makes you that stressful and where is your hair tie? Your hair is covering your face already, I could sign you up for the horror booth if you insist" and laugh once again and you cant help but kick his knee-which he barely felt at all.

"You talk like you arent stink with sweat, baka." I stick my tongue out "Your way worst" and you laugh but that doest last when a deeper voice cut off

"Why are you wasting time, Takao?" You found the Guy earlier, Not only his hair was green but his eyes to and you cant help but to be amaze

"Ah, Shin-Chan! This is my bestfriend...that I am talking about... (Full Name), (Full Name)... Midorima Shintarou my bes-"

"We're not even friend, Nanodayo" Midorima say in harsh tone

"Wah. So mean Shin-chan!" Takao whine and you cant help but be curious of the happening around.

Midorima ignore Takao's whining and continue to talk "We are being called by coach, stop slacking off-nanodayo" before going back

"Wait for me, I need to tell you something." He say looking excited and you nodded

"Its better not to be about a prank."

"You caught me there, (First name)-chan" and you just laugh off.

Takao has been your bestfriend since middle school and your with him, especially when playing pranks with people and annoyed them. Its fun but you are quiet curious how the two of them became-close...if they aren't friends

Well Opposite do attract each other

You are waiting patiently when you see Takao running ahead to you "What is this?" You ask when he gave you a cute looking hairpin

"I just saw this on the locker room and pick it up. You need something to use for your hair right?"

"Seriously? Where did you take this? And beside isnt it weird to find a Hairpin in the basketball team locker room?" Your eyebrow twitch when you see him whistle while looking away from you

"TAKAO." A shadow of the tall green haired appear, he look like he was ready to lash out a life "Where did you put my lucky Item-Nanodayo!?"

Lucky Item? Your head crook a little from curiosity and after a second of thinking, you understand the situation

"Is this your Lucky Item?" I hand out the Hairpin and he look at me before getting the pin from my hand

"Thank You." He say before glaring at Takao

"I just lent it to her, Shin-chan. Dont need to get angry"

"It's my LUCKY ITEM, Takao."

That is the start of your curiousity. Of course, at first you dont have a guts to play prank on him like what Takao is doing but little on little ypu started to join Takao.

He doesnt have a room for fun, he always scold you and Takao and often get a harsh word and insult, a blunt comment and anything that will ruin your happy day but little on little its became endearing for you, especially when you do something nice to him and he will say that he can do it himself or stuff with a shy expression and stuttering too. Especially when he is using Baka or Nanodayo (like always)

The person you believe that isnt your type became your crush and at first you are doubting that he might have a feeling for Momoi because when you hear her name from Midorima it always came up next with a compliment but when you ask Midorima about it he only answer that he is a friend and that is the time that you confess and ask if you could court him and like a tsundere he blush, and answered "Fine...but only because I dont want you to cry because you get rejected"

You notice how lucky you are because actually he is like a guy everyone dream of or maybe some of the characteristic that he has because until now his harsh word is still 'harsh' (If you get what I mean)

He was sweet too, acting like he doesnt care and it will trouble him later like that but him blushing in every Takao's tease is...couldnt be just because you troubles him, right?

Add the fact that he doesnt lash out on you like what he did on Takao whenever you steal his lucky item and often buys you yours.

He was secretly caring and secretly kind. That's why when he smile-Which happen once in a blue moon- your chest tighten and the best thing is playing prank on him and pairing him to the guys in the basketball team (Especially Takao) making him look annoyed but just let you-maybe because you are having fun for those simple thing.

It takes years before you two became officially (After college) and Unbelievable to say but you both seem to be compatible to each other.

Fight, yes it happen but it doesnt last a day. Having him makes you feel that you are the luckiest.

Indeed, Opposite Attract.

Luckiest (Midorima Shintarou x Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ