The Time I Snapped My Ankle Trying To Prove A Point

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I watched Tyler and Josh preform until I got a call from Brendon. "What?" I asked as I picked up.

"She said she never did anything to you so stop lying." He said angrily.

"She's not going to admit to abuse. Even you wouldn't do that."

"Well I believe her over you."

"Great. Guess I'm going back.

"Back where."

"The orphanage."

"I'm not sending you back. Why would I do that?"

"Because you hate me."

"I don't hate you I just think you're lying because you don't want a mom."

"That's the thing. I actually want a mom. Just not her."

"Just get your ass down here." He hung up and I said goodbye to Tyler and Josh. I went down to him and he was fuming. "We're going home." I got in the car and turned the music in my earphones up really loud because Brendon was trying to talk to me the whole journey home.

When we got home I went straight in. I went to go upstairs but Brendon grabbed my arm. "Let go."

"No. You're staying downstairs and we're having a chat." I walked over to the couch and sat down. "Ava why'd you lie?"

"I didn't lie."

"Yes you did. I've been dating her for a year and I don't want you to ruin it. She might end up being your new mom."

"There it is again. This whole mom thing. She's never going to be my mom and if you two get married I'm not coming to the wedding and I'm moving in with uncle Pete."

"Just go."

"Gladly." I went upstairs and slammed my door. I went on my laptop for a while then Brendon knocked on my door. "Fuck off Brendon."

"It's not Brendon." Juliet said opening the door.

"Even worse." I muttered.



"Now listen to me bitch. You're gonna shut that little mouth of yours and not tell your dad anything about what happened. He already believes me over you so I have my way."

"Where's Brendon?"

"He went to get sushi."

"Okay. Will you get out now?" She left and I closed my door.

Great. I guess I'm stuck with her.

"Guys I'm back!" Brendon exclaimed from downstairs. "Ava come get dinner." I walked downstairs and Brendon had the sushi laid out. "I got you chicken Katsu. Kayla said something about you being obsessed with it."

"Thanks." I replied running back to the stairs.

"Where are you going? We're gonna eat as a family." I walked back over and sat next opposite them both.

Throughout the whole meal Brendon kept trying to get me to talk to her. I kept shaking my head and he kicked my ankle. "Brendon I said no."

"Okay then."

"What?" Juliet asked.

"Nothing." I replied.

"So Ava. How's school?"

"Pretty boring. I get straight A's in everything except geography and I have a free period everyday which I spend in the music room writing songs."

"Got any friends?"

"I had four but two of them moved to New York. I was on FaceTime to Jack and Kayla earlier. Zoe and Jake live not far from here so I'm gonna probably walk with them tomorrow."

"Any boys that catch your eye."

"Nope." Why was she being so nice?

I finished my food and washed my plate. I put it in the drying rack and went to my room.

"Ava. You should probably go to sleep now." Juliet said coming into my room.

"Okay. Have fun fucking Daddy." I replied.

"What?" Her face was red and flustered.

"I heard everything last night. Especially since you abused me and I couldn't sleep."

"Oh just shut up about this abuse crap."

"Just get out." She scoffed then walked out slamming the door. I put my stuff away then got changed and went to sleep.

Time skip (a few weeks later)
"Bye Brendon!" I exclaimed walking out the door.

"Bye!" He replied as I shut the door.

"Hey Ava. Happy late birthday." Zoe said as I caught up with her and Jake. "What's wrong?"

"Dad trouble."

"Brendon? You're having trouble with Brendon being your dad?"

"I'm having trouble with Brendon's girlfriend. She's a bit-" I looked across the street and saw a girl making out with a guy. "Wait." I put my hand out to stop them. "That's her and that's not Brendon."

"He kinda looks like hi- Ryan!"

"I have to take a pic of this." I took a picture and sent it to Brendon.

Me: sure she's not a bitch now?


Me: that's Ryan Brendon.

Brendon: I know. Where are you. You're not going to school. I need to see something.

Me: We're by McDonald's.

Brendon: I'm coming now.

"Guys Brendon's coming to pick me up." I said. "How long till school starts?"

"An hour." Jake replied. "We'll wait with you."

"Thanks. Can we go into McDonald's I want some fries."


"Yay!" I ran into McDonald's and ordered fries. We sat on the tiny wall surrounding McDonald's car park and waited for Brendon.

A few minutes later Brendon arrived and Ryan and Juliet were still making out. "How can they last that long?" Zoe asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Guys where are they?" Brendon asked. I pointed across the street and he saw them. He ran over and I saw everything that happened. Juliet was completely flustered and scared. She looked over and saw me. I waved sarcastically and she ran over.

"You little bitch. You always ruin everything." She said grabbing my collar. She threw me toward the wall and I tripped hearing my ankle snap. Brendon and Ryan held her back while Zoe and Jake helped me sit on the wall.

"Someone call the police." Brendon mentioned. Zoe grabbed my phone and called the cops. The cops came and arrested Juliet for physical harassment, assault and abuse. "Ava. You okay?" Brendon asked.

"I feel like I'm gonna pass out." I replied holding back tears.

"Should I call an ambulance or can you last in the car?"


"Do you want me to drive?" Ryan asked. I looked and him confused. "I'm Ryan but you probably already know that."

"It's not that. Why are you being so nice?" I asked.

"Because you're hurt and I'm here and Juliet's a bitch." I laughed and Brendon picked me up.

"Your car it is." He added.

"Okay. I'll go get it." Ryan said throwing his keys in the air and dropping them. He picked them up and ran off. A few minutes later he pulled up and Brendon put me in the back seat. He sat next to me and Zoe sat on the end with Jake at the front. "You ready?" Brendon nodded and Ryan started driving. Halfway through the drive I blacked out.

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