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Name: Fate Ginger

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Name: Fate Ginger

Age: 15 (about to be a Sweet)

Background: She is a sweet and a darling, can be sassy if needed. She also has a younger brother that is going through physical therapy. She is also slow and quite innocent, hence the reason why Mimi is protective of her.


Name: Mi Young Sun

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Name: Mi Young Sun

Age: 15

Background: Loves Fate so much like a sister. She has a strong sense of Justice and knows how to fight. She is also more known as the "Musical Princess", given the title. She is a musical prodigy. She would also turn down many suitors and hates Lucien deeply.


Name: Hugo Felix

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Name: Hugo Felix

Age: 16

Background: Modest and a Gentleman, does not interest in love. An exchange student and strives to be perfect. He does not like his plans "ruined" nor "disturbed". He also has an IQ that even scientists are already marking on him. Even so, being a genius does not mean he cannot also be distracted, his distraction though was her.


Name: Lucien Marcel

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Name: Lucien Marcel

Age: 16

Background: Loves to tease Mimi, why? Childish reason. When a young boy likes a young girl, they push and hit. Lucien also lives together with Hugo as roommates at the Boy's Dorm. He has a reputation of a "player" despite his young age. Perhaps because of his father's influence who left his mother to be betrothed to another.

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