One Lonely Night

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"Yeah...All Might was the best. I collected every action figure, watched videos of him; I even had a onesie!" Izuku's cheeks burned with a bright red blush. His passion for the #1 Pro Hero couldn't have been made more clear if someone had a magnifying glass. After all, this is the same person that Izuku looked up to most of his life, aside from Bakugo. And the same person who had given him his Quirk, One For All. Without it, Izuku wouldn't be at U.A., nor would he had met Ochako, Ida, Kirishima, Tsuyu, or anyone else in Class 1-A. Without All Might, regarding his Quirk, and all his hard work to even wield said Quirk, Izuku's dreams would've been devastated beyond repair.

"Quite the fan, I see," Ochako replied, her smile making him blush even harder.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to fanboy or anything..." Izuku said, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's ok, Deku. I was going to say something similar about you.", said Ochako, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink.

Izuku froze once Ochako finished her statement. Pointing nervously to himself, he weakly asks, "M-Me?"

"Yes, dummy!" the playful girl told him, sitting right next to him now on his bed.

"U-Uraraka, w-what's so special about m-me?", Midoriya nervously asks Ochako.

"Everything." she quietly replies.

Izuku's face burns with a blush. Frozen, he stares nervously at Uraraka. The girl he's had a crush on since he met her. The person he saved on multiple occasions. One of his few friends, who always cheered him on no matter what. "W-what do you mean, Uraraka?", he asks, grabbing the collar of his T-shirt.

"Well, do I put this....when I first met you, Deku, I thought you were the biggest nerd walking into U.A.", she started, "I mean, you were, and still are a bit shy, nervous, always muttering, scared of girls—"

"Uh, point taken.", Izuku said with a nervous laugh.

"Sorry, no offense.", Ochako said, "But even with those traits, they're not bad ones." She begins to blush, "And among all of them, your sheer determination to never give up always shines through. You keep fighting until the end, no matter how bad things seem. Whether it's Bakugo or Todoroki, you always give it your all!" Uraraka throws her fist in the air, a bright smile to outshine the Sun itself forming on her lovely face.

Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing. All this was coming from the person who he'd not necessarily least expect, but not known had taken time to see him grow and develop. And she liked it, through and through. It was still sort of a shock to the young teenager. From what he could tell, her excitement only made it clear that Ochako was looking up to Izuku in many ways. If he wasn't blushing before, then it was more evident than ever now.

"That drive to always give 100%, no matter what, all the while not giving an inch? That's inspiring. And kinda like with All Might, you've inspired me in so many ways, in such a short time.", Ochako said, her voice getting quieter and her face turning a darker shade of red.

Izuku laid his right hand on Ochako's shoulder. "Uraraka, are you alright?"

"M-Maybe", she began, "that's why I have these feelings for you." Realizing what she just said aloud, Ochako buried her face deep between her knees.

Izuku looked confused at his friend, raising his left eyebrow while quirking with his right. "Feelings?", he asks softly, "W-What kind of feelings?"

'I brought this on myself, the usually bubbly girl thought to herself. She had harbored these feelings for so long, yet she didn't know how to express them. Every time she looked at Izuku, the way he always persevered any challenge thrown at him, always helped others out before himself, herself being in that situation when they took the Entrance Exams. Izuku always fought for what is right, no matter how many bones he had to break. His sheer will and determination to become a hero, and to help others had left a huge impact on Ochako.

Players Get Lonely Too -  A My Hero Academia Fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora