"Athie. Don't do anything irrational.."

"Let's go!" I whisper shouted, opening my bedroom window. I hadn't ever done anything like this before. It was freaking crazy!!!

"ATHENA! What the hell are you doing?!" Ang whispers shouts back at me

"I'm going to that damn football game!!" I yelled in my normal voice, probably loud enough for my brother to here it.
I'm in deep shit when I get home. But I don't care.



Walking into the school for a football game was like going to Disneyland on the opening day of a new land. It was stopped traffic.

"Why are there so many people?!" I yelled over the crowd to Angie

"This is a football school! It means everything to them!!"


We finally made it to the bleachers and got the perfect seats. They were right in the middle of the bleachers, and insanely close to the field. We were in the front row as crazy teenagers were screaming and throwing powder, painting each other. This is like an entirely different kind of party.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, let's start this night with bringing out our favorite starters!!"
The crowd cheered and roared loudly as the announcer guy (the principal) started to speak through the microphone

"It's like a freaking concert or something" I muttered

"Let's bring out Tony Burns!!"
The crowd went wild again and continued too as he named off three other guys
"Now give a big welcome to Tommy Langen!!!"

This was the first time I actually started to pay attention to the game
"And now number 25, Jamey Brooks!!"

Now at his name I cheered and one by one each player that was called ran onto the field through that little inflatable tunnel and stood still in a line next to some cheerleader
I hate cheerleaders

"And now! I'd like you to give a big warm welcome to, the amazing, PARKER HAYZE!!"

I think I just went deaf. The loud speakers were even making noises.

Fog from machines turned on and started to flow around the exit of the tunnel, and in perfect timing, Parker started to walk out.

I didn't know if it was just me, but everything seemed slow motion as I felt something wet drip down the corner of my mouth
"Dude are you drooling?!!" Angie screamed at me

I brought my sleeve to my hand as I quickly shook my head at her.
I focused my gaze back on the field to see Parker walking in a different direction than the other players did.
He walked on over to the cheerleaders and stood on those stupid boxes that they dance on.

He brought his hands right over his eyes and started looking through the crowd, his body turned from each end of the bleachers as girls, and even guys, were waving there arms around like crazy as if Parker was going to pick someone.

I looked around the bleachers for a split second, and right when I focused my eyes back on Parker, he was pointing straight at me with a huge grin on his face.

The Quarterbacks Kryptonite...  (SEQUEL IS UP) Where stories live. Discover now