[9] Freedom of religion

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Max was just coming out of the bliss when they reached the bunker. He regained control of his movements, Joseph noticed Max sobering up. And walked around to his side of the door, opening it

"Welcome back, I trust that you are willing to comply? I'd hate to go through the ordeal of dosing you again." Joseph seemed relaxed around Maxwell, it was as if he didn't register him as a threat.

"No, I won't fight, I have seen what happens to the poor souls that are given too much bliss. My brother was one" Max was confessing without even knowing it, maybe it was the bliss. Max sighed his only desire was a shot a whiskey he stood and followed

"I'm sorry to hear that, I wish he would have accepted our gift." Joseph's reply was cold and stern

"So, Joseph what did 'The Voice' tell you about me? From what I've read you haven't heard from Him in quite a while."

"You've been reading our book? I'm suprised most of your people are too stubborn. And the voice showed me a vision, I was in your place, not for long maybe 30 seconds at most I had a gun to my head and I could feel your emotions, your pains and your thoughts, I already know your sin, Afterwards the voice told me to show you our ways, you will become the peace keeper, and that Hell will attempt to take you from the world." Joseph looked over to Max, "I also came under your vices, I
Quit drinking long ago, but I remember that feeling, I'm not a happy drunk by any means, I guess I take after my father that way, I can see you shaking right now"
Joseph gestured twords Max's hands

"I'm fine, I'm not addicted or anything. I can stop anytime I want" Max stopped in his tracks "hold on, I never told you my full name, I only ever said Max"

"I shared your thoughts, your memory, it was only for a moment, I don't know your past or anything like that, but I remembered someone calling you Maxwell repeatedly"

"That was my brother, after he... Well you know, I started drinking"

Joseph opened a door along the hallway, they walked into a room with a work bench and a single office chair.


Hope woke up to John holding her close she looked over his body, all the scares and tattoos she ran her fingers over the scar on his chest,

"Sometimes, I just couldn't get myself to get out of bed." John's voice was deep and gravely from just waking up, it startled Hope,

"S-s-sorry I didn't want to wake you. I just woke up and-" she was cut off by John pulling her into a kiss.

"I want to tell you that, well I, I want you to stay with me, I want you to be here with me" John was having trouble thinking of what to say, for the first time he was at a loss of words

"Are you asking me to be with you?" Hope leaned up, she didn't know how to take this information in.

"Yes, of course I want you to be comfortable with this, there's so many things that you need to learn about us, and of course you still need to go through Confession."

"John, I'll be with you" she pulled John close and could feel his body temperature rising, John leaned in for a kiss and was met with her warm tender lips.

"Hope, I wanted to know if you would be interested having your baptism today, nothing like yesterdays, this one would just be you, Joseph and I, a private baptism of sorts." John seemed shy about asking her

" I would love that" She smiled to him, inside she was terrified, her dreams still haunted her.

After they got up and got dressed John walked outside to call his brother and ask him about setting it up.

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