Part 5

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Jungkook sighed.

Three months passed already and nothing has changed, well except that his stomach has grown quite bigger. Taehyung's wife sometimes goes down to the dungeon to either make him think less of himself or hit him.

The guards, maids, gardeners, and even the butlers are not allowed in the dungeon. Though the chefs are since they have to make Jungkook his food. And since he's also friends with the chefs they talk for hours about anything and everything and they give him extra food. But it's funny seeing the guards, butlers, gardeners, and maids dress up as chefs just so then they could see Jungkook.

Taehyung completely ignores his existence. Only going down there to see if the baby is doing alright and not questioning the bruises or scars that Jungkook has.

Sometimes he gets to go to the small little patch of a garden that the gardeners made for him. He plays with the bunnies and sometimes even pets the horses that go to his garden. The guards watch from afar and smile fondly at him. The gardeners also add something new to his small garden every day. But the guards or the gardeners can't interact with Jungkook since Taehyung is watching his every move from the window above the garden and glares at anybody that goes near Jungkook.

But that was now Jungkook's new life.

He sleeps on a stack of hay that's super itchy. His only companions down there are the little animals or bugs that crawl around the chamber. Oops, my bad I meant dungeon. 

Jungkook sighed once more and looked out to the little window that showed the garden in grounds view. He saw Taehyung having a picnic with his wife. He sighed and dropped down to the ground crying. Holding his now almost big stomach.

He heard the dungeon door open but didn't mind looking up. When he smelt alpha though that's when he looked up since the chefs were all beta's.

He squinted his eyes to see who was going down the dark steps then smiled realizing who it was.

"Hi, Jong Suk hyung," Jungkook said.

Jong Suk smiled.

"Hello, Jungkook-ssi," He said.

Jungkook wiped the tears from his eyes and closed his eyes while sighing.

"What are you doing here hyung?" Jungkook asked him.

He heard Jong Suk chuckle.

"Is it wrong to see my favorite bunny?" He joked.

Jungkook giggled opening his eyes and staring at Jong Suk.

"I'm not even sure what Taehyung might do to you if he heard that," Jungkook said.

Jong Suk chuckled once more.

"He'll probably kill me," He said.

Jungkook laughed.

"He probably will. But with the way he treats me I don't think so," Jungkook said.

Confused Jong Suk sat in front of the cell.

"And what makes you think that Jungkookie?" He asked him.

Jungkook sighed and his eyes had a faraway look in them. Jong Suk waited for a little bit until Jungkook sighed once more.

"Well, he calls me a slut, whore, any name that you can think of he calls me. He calls my baby his even though it's clearly ours. He treats his cheating wife, no offense, better then he does me. He slapped me a couple of times. He thought that my baby was made by another alpha even though he put his sperm in me during my heat. And now he hates me. I don't even understand him hyung. One moment he's kissing me and back hugging me and telling me that I am his, the next I'm completely nothing to him and he calls our baby disgusting and calling me a whore. It's like he's bi-polar but I know he's not, I just don't understand him hyung," Jungkook said.

Jong Suk sighed.

"Well, the king is confusing huh. I mean he treats you like trash but then glares, threatens, and growls at anyone that gets to close, stares at you, or makes any physical contact with you," Jon Suk said.

Jungkook tilted his head to the side. Confused by what Jong Suk said.

"What do you mean by that hyung?" Jungkook asked him.

Jong Suk just smiled at him.

"Nothing Jungkookie," Was all he said.

Jungkook was even more confused but let it slide.

"How's the baby doing by the way?" Jong Suk asked him.

Jungkook smiled and looked down at his stomach that he is holding once more.

"My little miracle is doing just fine. The doctor said I have about six more months left and I'm happy but also dreading for that day to come," Jungkook said.

"Why?" Jong Suk said tilting his head.

Jungkook sighed.

"Well, I'm happy because I can bring a child to this world and that he or she will be apart of me and I'll become a mother. But I'm dreading it because once the baby comes Taehyung said he will divorce me and keep the child," He said.

Jong Suk 'oh'ed. Then sighed himself.

"You truly married a cruel man," He said.

Jungkook nodded his head in agreement.

"I was caught in a lie," Jungkook said.

Jong Suk leaned against the bars.

"How did you guys meet by the way?" He asked Jungkook.

If he turned around and saw Jungkook he will see the little smile on his face.

"Well, it started like this..."

A few minutes later and Jungkook finished the story.

"He was so nice back then! What changed?!" Jong Suk exclaimed

Jungkook giggled but then turned towards the window when he heard rustling. He saw that Taehyung and his wife were coming back inside the castle so he turned to Jong Suk with a panicked face.

"You gotta go hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed in a whisper.

Jong Suk turned around confused.

"Why?" He asked him.

"Because they're coming back inside!" Jungkook exclaimed once more.

Jong Suk then got a panicked face and rushed back to the stairs but not before bidding Jungkook a goodbye and promising he will visit soon. He then raced to the top of the stairs, opened the door then locked it once more after shutting it.

Jungkook sighed once he knew that Jong Suk was safe from getting into trouble. After Jungkook talked and sang to his baby for about an hour Jungkook sighed and fell asleep.

What Jungkook didn't know was that Jong Suk's scent still lingered in the air so when Taehyung went down to the dungeon his eyes immediately turned red and he angrily walked towards Jungkook's cell.

He quietly opened the cell door when he noticed that Jungkook was sleeping. He sighed, his anger dying down, and fixed Jungkook so he was laying down. He then crawled behind Jungkook and hugged his waist. Kissing Jungkook's neck.

"I don't want anyone near you anymore. Do you understand that? You belong to me and only me and if I smell or see another alpha or beta on you I will end their life and put you somewhere where not even Namjoon hyung can find you and where only I can have you. Is that understood Jungkook?" Taehyung growled into Jungkook's ear.

The response he got was Jungkook moving around in his hold then sighing when he felt comfortable.

With that said Taehyung fell asleep wrapped around Jungkook. Protecting Jungkook and the baby from anybody that will try to visit them in the night.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It took me a while but it got very interesting even to me. And I'm the author! I also had to re-read it to see if there were any mistakes. And I know it's a short chapter, I'm sorry. But please hit that star, and comment down below!

Peace :)

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