Part 21

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'No. No. To fast. Way to fast. No. Pause time. Pause life. Do something. Just make this go slower. We can't be trusting him so easily. No, there must have been a turn somewhere along the way. Reverse time. Reverse everything!'

'Just please.'

'He can't be getting closer again.'

'No. Stop.'

'Not once more. Make some space, just push him away.'

'Push him away? Why?'

''s just better to build a barrier.'

'But make distance? We're getting somewhere now!'

'It's just better than having the fear of being alone and hurt once more. We can't do this to the baby and ourselves! The agonizing pain of having to carry a child seemingly made out of no love or intimacy. What type of torture can a carrier take? Just no.'

'This child will be birthed and raised with and by love.'


'Remember about the other side of the spectrum?'

'Is he really worth it though? Being trusted? Does he even love us? These small acts of kindness are very comforting in the idea of not being hurt for the sake of the child or us. But what about in the near time future? Will these memories of being left behind for another or being hurt and left in the dark rise again? Will the emotions remain the same?'

'Will anything be the same?'


'Could things change?'

'No. Stop.'

'You're doing it again.'

'Overthinking. That's not me. That's you.'

'But maybe.'

'He won't.'

'But he could! He could be the old love rekindled again! Be our happy pill in this devastating world once more! He will and can change! He's showing traits already!'

'Just stop! No! He won't be the same! He's never been the same! If you want to stay in your pathetic excuse of long lived love and happiness then so be it! But remember that he hurt us! He hurt our child! This isn't no fairy tale! Our child is the next generation of human kind! He or she must be raised to see what is real and what is fake! But if you want to remain shit faced happy then just know that I won't be there to protect you from the hurt! You're so fucking pathetic in thinking that love will heal all! This is the same reason as to why your parents died! Because they were weak and only believed in love! If you're gonna think the same way then you might as well rot like them!'

'You don't mean that. Do you? You don't mean to say that. No. You're just mad right now. Right?'

'Oh sweetie, I meant every word. This world is too dangerous for a innocent and gentle heart as yours and your parents. The reason why they fell was because they believed that not every soul is cruel and evil. And that was their downfall. But luckily I'm here. I'm here to show you how dangerous this place can be. If not for me, you would have stayed with that cheating jerk.'

'Then why are we staying for him?'


'You heard me. Why are we staying for him?'

'I don't understand. What do you mean?'

'No you can clearly understand me. Why are we staying for a jerk as you so liked to call him, who only brought us pain and misery? Why are we staying?'

Why Me Though?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora