Part 2

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Jungkook rushed to the bathroom that morning. The day before he cried his little heart out as you guys know. The day after he puked his stomach out. Just like how he's doing right now.

Two weeks have passed already. Not much of a belly is showing. A doctor came and visited Jungkook. It was a female since Taehyung didn't want any male near his baby. And when he meant baby he didn't mean Jungkook, he meant his actual wife and the baby.

But that was about a week ago and Jungkook needs to go back to the doctor to see if everything is alright.

But his friends have been treating him nicely.

The maids still do their and Jungkook's work, as well as take care of him. The chefs cook whatever Jungkook wants, but also make him eat fruits or vegetables. The guards are always around Jungkook 24/7. And when he's outside they still let him ride the horses, with them riding other horses to be close by. The gardeners made a small flower bed for Jungkook to spend time in and they also brought in some bunnies for Jungkook to play around with. They sometimes laugh at Jungkook and jokingly say 'hey look Jungkook-ssi it's your family' but in the end, the gardeners get made fun of by the guards and they play with Jungkook and the bunnies.

Taehyung's wife though comes home late, and always seems like she has taken a shower. Taehyung questioned her about it but she just said that she doesn't want to come home smelling nasty and dirty like Jungkook. Taehyung does nothing and agrees with her.

Jungkook still doesn't get to take his mask off though. He isn't allowed to eat with them either. And Taehyung still doesn't talk to him.

With everything that is going on, he feels like he should just run away from the palace with the baby. 

He told his friends what he wanted to do and they agreed, telling him that he shouldn't stay here with an evil man. Jungkook even thought about it before having the baby in his belly. But he never really went through with it. And for a couple of reasons. One he thought Taehyung would change. Two he now has a baby. Three now that he has a baby he doesn't know who he should go to, to help him take care of the baby.

He would have gone to Namjoon hyung which he knows works at the palace but he couldn't since he's always by Taehyung's side. And he would have gone to his other friends that work at the palace but they're to busy with their own problems. So the only option is to just stay at the palace until he can find a way to escape from this hell hole.

Once Jungkook was done throwing up he walked back to his room and laid down on the bed.

He's been feeling a little too weak. The doctor had said that this was usual but he doesn't think that's true. Taehyung did get the cheapest doctor there is. Saying that the cheap was for him and that the expensive was for his wife. 

I don't think he'll be saying that if he knew she was cheating on him.

Oops did I let that slip? Oh well.

Jungkook sighed and was about to close his eyes when his door was kicked open. Standing there was Taehyung and Namjoon. Jungkook rushed out of bed and bowed down to Taehyung. Namjoon just shook his head in disagreement towards Taehyung knowing he told him to do this while Taehyung just rolled his eyes.

"Stand up Jungkook." He ordered him.

Jungkook did as he was told.

"Yes, Mr.Kim?" Jungkook asked.

"Where is your mask?" He asked him.

Jungkook's hands went to his face and he noticed that he felt his bare face. Lowering his head so Taehyung wouldn't see it, he rushed to the bathroom and put his box on. He then walked back out where he saw an annoyed Taehyung and a depressed Namjoon.

"I'm sorry Mr.Kim," Jungkook said.

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"So how many more months?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook was confused but then he thought of what he said and looked down.

"She said that I have 34 more weeks left to go," Jungkook mumbled.

"Good then start packing your stuff up. I'll try to see if I can find a home for you." He said.

Jungkook nodded with tears in his eyes. He'll cry when they leave.

"Yes, sir," Jungkook said.

"Alright, then that is all. Come on Namjoon hyung." Taehyung said stepping out of the room.

But Namjoon stayed behind. We walked towards the doorway and held the door. Taehyung turned around confused.

"What are you doing hyung?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm gonna take care of my kookie." He said.

And with that, he shut the door right on his face. Taehyung was confused and then growled at the door when he realized what just happened.

"He's fucking mine you asshole," Taehyung grumbled before walking back to his office, knowing that he'll return later when he settles down.

In the room, Namjoon was holding a crying Jungkook. They were both on the bed. After a couple of minutes, Jungkook stopped crying but was asleep. Namjoon smiled down at the little light of his life he saw as his "son". A few minutes later Namjoon also felt sleepy so he laid down next to Jungkook as he was starting to close his eyes.

"I will protect you, my child."

He then fell asleep. He knew once he woke up and headed back to Jin he'll be asking questions about how their "son" is doing.

An hour later the door to Jungkook's room opened and in stepped Taehyung with two guards. He told them to take Namjoon to his room and he'll be staying here with Jungkook. The guards took Namjoon away but were concerned for Jungkook. Deciding to listen to their King and not get yelled at was the best choice for right now though.

Taehyung closed the door and looked towards Jungkook.

He sighed. He went over to Jungkook's bed and got in it with him. He cuddled up with Jungkook. Putting his arms around Jungkook's waist and pressing Jungkook's back against his chest.

He sighed. Relishing in the feeling and warmth that Jungkook gave him. Taehyung felt sleepy and was about to fall asleep when he growled something into Jungkook's ear.

"You are mine. You belong to me. When we divorce you will still belong to me. You are forever mine Jeon Jungkook." And with that, he fell asleep.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Remember to hit that star and comment down below!

Peace :)

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